


Ich komme aus Deutschland und bin 15 Jahre alt. Ich liebe BTS und One Direction. Ich habe zwei Hunde und liebe wattpad.

2020-10-11 JoinedGermany

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  • BlackRoseQueen1

    coole geschichte

    Niall woke up and cuddled into the warmth next to him. He slowly opened his eyes just to freak out because he wasn't in his room until he realised it was Harry's and relaxed. Niall noticed that the warm figure he was spooning was Harry so he cuddle closer to Harry if that was even possible. He took in a deep breath taking in the scent of Harry. He turned his head to see that it was 6:53am. He looked back at Harry adoring how adorable he looked sleeping. Niall went back to sleep since he was still tried. At 10:17am Niall was awaken from his slumber due to Louis jumping up and down on the bed. Harry frowned and got up telling Louis to leave, which he gladly did. Niall was almost asleep again, but Harry had to ruin it by dragging him out of the bed onto the floor. "If I don't get sleep, neither do you. Harry told told Niall. Niall complained and threw a pillow at Harry as he got up. Niall and Harry both sat on the bed; Niall looked over at Harry who was looking at him, Harry blushed and looked away. 'Why did he blush? He doesn't even like me like that. He will never like me. He will find someone to love then he will forget about me while I'm lonely for the rest of my life. Harry is straight while I'm gay and if he ever finds out he will be weirded out by me and hate me." Thought Niall. "iall! Niall!" Called Harry. "Yeah?" Answered Niall. "Are you ok? You're crying." Said Harry. Niall hadn't realised he was crying and wiped his eyes. "Yeah I'm good." Responded Niall. "You know you can talk to me about anything right?" Comforted Harry. "Uh yeah, thanks" said Niall. "Do you want to tell me what's wrong?" Asked Harry. "Not really." Answered Niall. "Ok that's fine, just remember I'm always here for you." Niall nodded and mumbled a small "thanks." They both sat on the bed  looking around and occasionally looking at each other awkwardly for about 5 minutes until Harry said, "Well we should  get ready for breakfast." "Mmmhmm." Mumbled Niall. Niall went back to his room while thinking about Harry. He was still embarrassed for crying about Harry in front of him. He quickly got ready and walked out into the hallway and heard the water running from Harry's room. 'He must be taking a shower to get me off from his body because we were cuddling last night. What if he knows I like him? What does he think about me crying? Does he think I'm weird? What if he hates me?" Thought Niall as he walked down the stairs into the kitchen where the lads were making breakfast, but instead went over to the couch in the living room and curled up beginning to silently cry.
    Just Kiss Me
    Realistic · Marisa_Reynoso