Just a wondering Ginger
of reading
Read books
a certain sparrow would be sad
you know I should've guessed by the name but this whole story is just shit posting isn't it
as a Floridian myself, I will judge this story. This I declare.
understandable, there are some comments I read that are around 2-3 years old sometimes
it's been so long since I've read this, i don't even remember the story...
hey I absolutely love the story, but the ending, please let me know you're not gonna leave it at that. make a sequel or something come on. don't just have them do a time reset back to the beginning of the book!!! I need more info
probably Chinese metaphor
I'm gonna be completely honest... I don't remember but the chances are that it is from an anime between 2005 and 2015
was wondering when the ai will show up again