Fluffy fervor for fluffiness FYI Fluffy From Flufferland fancies Fluffy Fluffs and Furry animals.
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If they are from different sac then they aren't the very rare case where the identical ones are of different gender (I repeat it's very very rare, not possible to see around easily). They are likely more similar to some cases where the older and younger sibling resemble each other a lot.
I'm not complaining about her feelings taking time to fade away. I'm complaining about the writing. It was said that her feelings cooled down completely in previous instances but it's been repeated again. It could have been written differently like she felt hurt and gradually she realised that her feelings had cooled down.
Wowwww he's totally dumb
No she's old enough to have those feelings, even grade schoolers and younger kids have such feelings when it is an inherent character.
Wow how unfilial! Love does make one blind but I hate the people who become completely blind because of it.
Unexpected in a different sense definitely lol