

2020-10-02 JoinedUnited States

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  • seagoatessentials

    Jolts of electricity? As in sparks? As in Mate bond physical response to touch? Could it be true or am I mistaken?

    "Mmm", he hummed, and she could feel his lips moving against the skin of her neck as he spoke, his every word sent jolts of electricity through her body, "I enjoy holding you like this, kitty. Give me a few more minutes."
    The Alpha's Bride
    Fantasy · RedSonia
  • seagoatessentials
    Replied to RedSonia

    A close up of the Talia dress by a famous designer.

    Ch 8 Talia
    The Alpha's Bride
    Fantasy · RedSonia
  • seagoatessentials
    Replied to RedSonia

    A dress named after her in real life that would actually look amazing on her when she moves into her "future position" 😘

    Ch 8 Talia
    The Alpha's Bride
    Fantasy · RedSonia
  • seagoatessentials

    It took me twice as long to read the last few chapters because I had to stop to clear the tears from my eyes. It is so true that when you are crying deep sorrows you really can not see through the tears not even to read.

    Ch 13 I Remember
    The Beast's Virgin Claim
    Fantasy · Luna Liz
  • seagoatessentials
    Replied to obsessedWithWolves

    Please do feel better ❤. I unfortunately got it twice and both times kicked my butt. I still don't have any sense of smell or anything since the first time I got it over 6 months ago and it has made my life less enjoyable in ways I could never had imagined before. I will wish maybe even pray to my goddess if it is ok with you for you to not lose your sense of smell and taste. It is no way to live.

    Ch 46 Chapter 46: If you had asked nicely
    Feast of Night: The King's Bride
    Fantasy · obsessedWithWolves
  • seagoatessentials

    I hope you are doing well author. 💗

    Ch 46 Chapter 46: If you had asked nicely
    Feast of Night: The King's Bride
    Fantasy · obsessedWithWolves
  • seagoatessentials
    Replied to obsessedWithWolves

    Thank You!!! I am so happy to see a response directly from the author confirming that the story will continue! You would be surprised at the number of good novels that I have started reading just to have the author stop writing with zero information as to why they stopped. It has broken my heart and I am sure many others to know that someone could be going through something that is causing them to stop doing something that they obviously love like writing. Obviously it is not actually any of our business why anyone would stop writing and they have no obligation to share anything with us so I hope you as an author understand that I mean no offense in any of this. I am just feeling grateful for your communication with me so thank you again. I look forward to reading more chapters.

    Ch 46 Chapter 46: If you had asked nicely
    Feast of Night: The King's Bride
    Fantasy · obsessedWithWolves
  • seagoatessentials

    Will there be updates soon? I have a lot of questions that I need answers to. I am a bit confused so far and I hope someone can fill me in with their thoughts? 1. Is the King a werewolf and a vampire? 2. Is the King or the uncle her mate? 3. I'm sensing that the FL is not just a human so if not any theories as to what she is? 4. I'm guessing that her mom was a witch but was turned into a vampire who has no memory of her daughter now? Or is she a ghost like projection of the FL mind leading her to were she needs to be to open her memories? 5. If the King is her mate then I suppose the protection spell is hiding that fact from the both of them to protect the FL from harm?

    Ch 46 Chapter 46: If you had asked nicely
    Feast of Night: The King's Bride
    Fantasy · obsessedWithWolves
  • seagoatessentials

    Will there be anymore art of the couple ? Even if it is not a new cover, but rather placed in the comments section, some art of what the main characters look like after every 10+ chapters would be just as amazing !

    Ch 126 Chapter 96 part 2
    Heart of Darkness
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • seagoatessentials

    Unfortunately I will not be finishing this story. 😥 For some reason the grammar and sentence structure went from being no big deal to a complete mess. There are even paragraphs that make no sense or they describe the exact same thing three different ways. I have to wonder if the editor bailed by the end of the second chapter leaving the author to try and figure it out all alone. If an edited version comes out in the future I will read it again. I am sorry. I really did try to power through it because I was enjoying the plot.

    Ch 3 In The Dark
    Slayed But Mated
    Fantasy · mercy_J_8
  • seagoatessentials

    Did you mean to say they're flies as in the other animals were no more to the humans than flies or their flies as in the animal's flies? I imagine that it can go either way as this is a fantasy world but I want to be sure that if I am imaging very large flies that those flies do exist in this world. ❤ That would be awesome and scary 😨 😳.

    Wolves came after them. They heard some things from other animals about how the Kandun people slay animals like their flies.
    Slayed But Mated
    Fantasy · mercy_J_8
  • seagoatessentials

    I believe the term is ear-piercing scream and not eye-piercing. I made a comment about the small things like this in the last chapter's comments section. This is one of the examples that I didn't have at the moment. Like I mentioned earlier it is not a big issue and the book is still very good so far. ❤

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Slayed But Mated
    Fantasy · mercy_J_8
  • seagoatessentials

    Good so far honestly. There are a few small things here and there that sound off, like maybe English is not the first language possibly, or maybe there was a struggle with trying to decide whether to use 1st or 3rd person view for the story? I don't have any specific examples right this moment but I could find some if needed or wanted. It is a unique enough plot here on Webnovel that I think it should gain a lot of attention soon. ❤

    Ch 1 Prologue
    Slayed But Mated
    Fantasy · mercy_J_8
  • seagoatessentials
    Replied to AimeeLynn

    I'm so happy to hear that this book is going to be updated soon and even completed! I was thinking to myself as I was reading " there is no way that this author would leave behind a story that is obviously loved? it doesn't make sense ?" I could tell that this is a passion project just by all of the extra "visual" details and character emotions that are used for the story. Not to say that your other books are lacking in anyway because it is the opposite ! I plan to start reading "Taming the Queen of Beast " once I finish her father's story first. I read the description for the book and it made me a little bit nervous to hear that she beats her dad for dominance since I am so invested in his story right now but I imagine that it is not going to be as bad as I may have made it out to be in my head. I am remembering the old traditions to become the leader but I have a feeling that there will be many changes to those traditions before she is born due to her mother. 😉❤ Anyways thanks for letting me know about the upcoming chapters and I will see you at the end of this wonderful book❣

    Ch 19 Morning Always Comes
    Loving the Forbidden Prince
    Fantasy · AimeeLynn
  • seagoatessentials
    Replied to Needmorecoffee

    I know my thoughts turned into a "book" itself since it is so long 😅 but I did mention and agree with what you guys are talking about towards the end of my "chapter"? I will try to either keep my questions or ideas shorter in the future to promote more conversations. Maybe better organized thoughts or splitting up the paragraph into smaller sections will make it more enjoyable for everyone to read the entire thing and talk about it together ? Let me know your thoughts please. ❤ I am really happy people are chatting about the ideas.

    Ch 105 Chapter 83 part 2
    Heart of Darkness
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • seagoatessentials

    Dear Author, I am on the next Chapter and I have been trying to wait to see if any updates come through by reading slowly since the book doesn't say anything about being complete. After reading some of your notes about how you needed 500 paying people reading your book or you will have to drop the book I am starting to wonder if that really happened? Will there be updates ? Is the book complete but not marked as such ? Please let me know sooner rather than later if you can? I am reading a few of your other books so I have plenty to hold me over until you can finish this book if it is not done yet 😉 . Sincerely, A Loyal Fan / Reader

    Ch 19 Morning Always Comes
    Loving the Forbidden Prince
    Fantasy · AimeeLynn
  • seagoatessentials
    Replied to ice_princess42000

    Me too! She is amazing!!

    Ch 110 Chapter 87
    Heart of Darkness
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • seagoatessentials

    Food for thought 🤔 I noticed that at first she was almost afraid of his ability to pop in and out of any place he chose to but after seeing it multiple times it doesn't matter to her. He even took her with him a few times and she was able to adjust to it rather fast. I am wondering if it could work with his fangs and claws too? He could let her choose which one to see first and allow her to touch them or see them being used multiple times until they no longer pose a threat in her imagination? ( I chose to say imagination since she has not seen his so she has to try a guess what they look like .) Once she is comfortable with one then they could start the process all over again until she is comfortable with the other? Maybe his fangs do not look like the ones in her dreams which could help her understand that it is not her husband that is the threat to her? At this point allowing her mind to make up wild horrible situations with horrendous looking claws and fangs is not going to help her make up her mind to become his mate or not. She is human after all and humans fear what they do not know or understand. The "what if" of it all is slowly killing her from all of the stress she places on her body / mind. Just some thoughts.

    Ch 105 Chapter 83 part 2
    Heart of Darkness
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • seagoatessentials
    Replied to MyTigger

    I noticed that at first she was almost afraid of his ability to pop in and out of any place he chose to but after seeing it multiple times it doesn't matter to her. He even took her with him a few times and she was able to adjust to it rather fast. I am wondering if it could work with his fangs and claws too? He could let her choose which one to see first and allow her to touch them or see them being used multiple times until they no longer pose a threat in her imagination? ( I chose to say imagination since she has not seen his so she has to try a guess what they look like .) Once she is comfortable with one then they could start the process all over again until she is comfortable with the other? Maybe his fangs do not look like the ones in her dreams which could help her understand that it is not her husband that is the threat to her? At this point allowing her mind to make up wild horrible situations with horrendous looking claws and fangs is not going to help her make up her mind to become his mate or not. She is human after all and humans fear what they do not know or understand. The "what if" of it all is slowly killing her from all of the stress she places on her body / mind. Just some thoughts.

    Ch 105 Chapter 83 part 2
    Heart of Darkness
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • seagoatessentials

    Such a good line! It really helps make this fantasy world feel more real and helps the readers connect to her emotions on a personal level using language that we can relate to. This right here is why Jasmine is one of my favorite modern day authors.

    Since her father died her body had been in a fight mode. When would people hurt them? When would they destroy their home? And then the fear of getting married to some unknown man, the fear of having to live as a prostitute, the fear of being thrown out by Lord Rayven, the fear of marrying him, and now the fear of losing him. Fear had become her frenemy and confusion her companion. 
    Heart of Darkness
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef