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  • Shakalalaka123

    They won't help the master, but will pay their last salutations. What type of people are they?

    The fire soon engulfed the whole hay room and the screams of Mrs. General and her butler started echoing in the atmosphere. All heard the screaming, but no one cared to risk their lives for an unfaithful woman. Soon, the screams ended and the audience returned to their sleep. General Zhukov was watching the whole scene while savoring his soup and said, "You deserved this end, you whore." General Zhukov put the bowl on the table and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He looked at the mirror and saw his vision fainting. He suddenly felt huge pain in his heart and ran outside the room. He tripped on the carpet and tumbled down the stairs and fell on the ground. He cried for help, but still no one came to his aid. He slowly succumbed to his fate and the tale of the fearsome and fearless General Zhukov ended with his last breath. The servants slowly paid their final salutations and quietly went to their respective rooms.
    The Night Before Death
    Action · Rakib_Hassan
  • Shakalalaka123

    Vivek's inner feelings -

    Vivek slowly opened his eyes and looked around slowly. His hands were tied tightly to a chair and a small hole in the top wall was the only light present there. He was completely drenched with water and was feeling cold. He was unharmed, but had a pain on his forehead which happened when he fell on the floor of the jet. He heard the sound of door opening and he pretended to be unconscious. A young nurse entered the room and turned on the light. She came near Vivek and checked his pulse and then opened his shirt and pinched his nipples. Vivek woke up with a scream and hitted her with his head. The nurse fell on the ground and her nose started to bleed. "This technique works all the time. So, you are finally wake, Vivek." Vivek looked around and saw a man entering the room. He picked up the nurse and wiped the blood out of her nose. He landed a strong punch on Vivek's face and Vivek lost one tooth. He cried, "That's what she's feeling right now." Vivek asked, "Who the fuck are you, bastard?" The man replied awed, "It's a strange thing that you don't know me, even after damaging half of my country." Vivek asked, "Francis Dortmund?" Francis smiled, "Right, motherfucker. I'm Francis fucking Dortmund. You and your mad brother have been a trouble in my ass for the past one year. You destroyed my palace, killed my fiance and then killed my dream to kill Syman."
    The Night Before Death
    Action · Rakib_Hassan
  • Shakalalaka123

    Francis be like-

    Vivek smiled, "And soon I'm going to kill you too." Francis chuckled, "Oh, really. How are you gonna do that?" Vivek asked, "Where is your boss?" Francis asked, "Who?" Vivek replied, "That bitch who don't have guts to meet me face to face." "He has far more important things than wasting time with a pathetic creature like you." Vivek turned around and saw JK was standing there. Vivek smiled, "Monsters like you don't die easy, do they?" JK said laughing, "Listen everybody. Mr. Vivek is calling me a "monster". Look at the mirror, idiot. You and your brother are the biggest monsters among us. I did what I did to feed my stomach and cover my naked body, but you two brothers had everything, but you choosed to gamble everything on the line for nothing, literally nothing. Your brother thinks he is a mastermind, a genius who has all the backup plans, information about his enemies and et cetera. But does he have knowledge of what were his sisters last words, his mothers last words, was he able to save his girlfriend or were you able to save your girlfriend? The answer is no. You know what? It's not your fault, it was your father who taught you to be like this. You two brothers are just a duo of two stupid, brainwashed morons." Vivek remained silent. Francis looked at him and said, "Sins of fathers always haunts the children. Nor did you managed to survive nor did I." JK said, "Enough talking. Let's go and eat something. It's worthless to guard a worthless pig." Francis and JK went outside, turning the light off and locking the door behind them.
    The Night Before Death
    Action · Rakib_Hassan
  • Shakalalaka123
    He pulled his hair and hit his head on the iron stairs. Francis retaliated and punched him in his chest and then thrusted his finger in Vivek's injured shoulder. Vivek hitted him with his head and then kicked him in the chest. He took Francis's hand and broke it. He cried, "It's for Arman." He picked up the gun and emptied the whole magazine inside Francis's body. Vivek smiled and said, "Arman. I have killed your enemy. It is for you, my brother." Vivek's laugh didn't last long as three bullets pierced his chest. He fell on the ground and looked that Alphonso was standing there. Vivek wanted to kill him, but there was no strength left in him now. Alphonso came near him and said, "Looks like the party is over. Sad thing, we have to part in such a hurry. I have planned our last meeting to be epic, but anyway the outcome is still the same. Bye bye, give my regards to Arman and that loser who died alongside him." Alphonso took out a grenade and threw it near Vivek. Vivek looked at the grenade slowly tossing on the ground. His whole life flashed before his eyes, the childhood, the business, Shirley, Arman, Charan and his family. He gave a smile and the grenade took his soul out from his body.
    The Night Before Death
    Action · Rakib_Hassan
  • Shakalalaka123

    He does have a background after all the chapters. He is American, who have thought that.

    He went inside the car and said, "I want to meet your boss." The chauffeur nodded and said, "Welcome to Los Angeles, Sir Alphonso." Alphonso took a hundred dollar and gave it to him. The chauffeur speeded away to luxurious bungalow, heavily guarded by mobsters. Alphonso entered inside the compound and two guards came inside to check him. Alphonso surrendered his gun and went inside. The bungalow belongs to notorious gangster, Samuel Walker. Alphonso was in cahoots with him from the beginning and was his prime investor in his arms and clothes. Samuel came to him and greeted him, "So, finally you are here. Good. What will you have?" Alphonso replied, "A promise. I have almost crippled all the big crime families in the world and now you will have no problem in capturing the places. I want you to promise me that you will cover up whatever happens in Russia." Samuel asked, "You want to kill General Zhukov?" Alphonso replied, "Nah. That oldie is not my concern. I want to personally deliver a message to someone and then kill him." Samuel smiled, "Okay. You have my full support." Alphonso smiled and walked away. Samuel looked at him going and mumbled, "Comes like a tornado and goes like a hurricane." Alphonso came outside and the guard returned him his gun. Alphonso smiled, "Keep it." He called a cab and went to his house, as the clouds slowly started hiding the moon....
    The Night Before Death
    Action · Rakib_Hassan
  • Shakalalaka123

    Charan while someone talks with his friends -

    Vivek mumbled sadly, "Sorry brother, Omar. But, our journey ends here. I hope you find peace wherever you go and may God bless your soul." He walked slowly towards the airport. There he took out his phone and called Charan. Charan picked up the phone and asked, "Is the job done?" Vivek replied, "Yes." Charan smiled, "Good. Now, wait there as I sent a jet for you." Vivek said grimly, "Omar was a nice guy. He didn't deserved such death." Charan replied, "He is just a mere soldier with no fucking identity of his own. He is better dead than being alive and a pain in the ass." Vivek disconnected the call and mumbled, "And here goes my other friend." Vivek has always known that Charan has monophobia and this was the reason he never wanted any of his friends to be friends with others. Vivek himself was a little like his brother, but unlike him he was a liberal and had trust on his friends. It was a genetic trait they inherited from their father who himself kept his three wives together so they can't find other people to love. Vivek looked around and saw that a jet had just landed on the runaway. He waved and the pilot waved back. He quickly went inside the jet and closed the door. He took his seat as the plane soon went up in the air. He sighed and poured a glass of wine for himself and quickly finished the glass. He closed his eyes and put his head on the headrest. "Hello there." Vivek opened his eyes and turned. He was both shocked and enraged to see Alphonso standing there. He was about to rise when his head started to spin and he fell down on the floor. Alphonso came near him and turned Vivek's head with the tip of his shoe. Alphonso smiled, "Sleep, buddy. Have a good rest. A lot of pain is waiting for you at Hawaii." Alphonso started to laugh as the plane speeded in the sky, cutting through the clouds...
    The Night Before Death
    Action · Rakib_Hassan
  • Shakalalaka123

    Alphonso right now

    Vivek mumbled sadly, "Sorry brother, Omar. But, our journey ends here. I hope you find peace wherever you go and may God bless your soul." He walked slowly towards the airport. There he took out his phone and called Charan. Charan picked up the phone and asked, "Is the job done?" Vivek replied, "Yes." Charan smiled, "Good. Now, wait there as I sent a jet for you." Vivek said grimly, "Omar was a nice guy. He didn't deserved such death." Charan replied, "He is just a mere soldier with no fucking identity of his own. He is better dead than being alive and a pain in the ass." Vivek disconnected the call and mumbled, "And here goes my other friend." Vivek has always known that Charan has monophobia and this was the reason he never wanted any of his friends to be friends with others. Vivek himself was a little like his brother, but unlike him he was a liberal and had trust on his friends. It was a genetic trait they inherited from their father who himself kept his three wives together so they can't find other people to love. Vivek looked around and saw that a jet had just landed on the runaway. He waved and the pilot waved back. He quickly went inside the jet and closed the door. He took his seat as the plane soon went up in the air. He sighed and poured a glass of wine for himself and quickly finished the glass. He closed his eyes and put his head on the headrest. "Hello there." Vivek opened his eyes and turned. He was both shocked and enraged to see Alphonso standing there. He was about to rise when his head started to spin and he fell down on the floor. Alphonso came near him and turned Vivek's head with the tip of his shoe. Alphonso smiled, "Sleep, buddy. Have a good rest. A lot of pain is waiting for you at Hawaii." Alphonso started to laugh as the plane speeded in the sky, cutting through the clouds...
    The Night Before Death
    Action · Rakib_Hassan
  • Shakalalaka123
    Found But Forgotten
    The Night Before Death
    Action · Rakib_Hassan
  • Shakalalaka123
    Ch 99 New Connections
    The Night Before Death
    Action · Rakib_Hassan
  • Shakalalaka123
    He went away and Charan mumbled, "A more bulkier version? What are we? Bodybuilders?" Charan said, "Vivek, go and interact with the soldiers. Know if they are pumped enough or not?" Charan went near the stove and asked, "Can you give me a glass of water, please?" The lady looked up and said, "Don't you see that I'm busy. Take it yourself." Charan smiled, "Okay. But, atleast show me the way." She rose and pointed her finger to a shabby hand pump near the river. She said, "Be careful. The river is deep and also full of piranhas." Charan said, "I am new here and could use a helping hand." She said, "But these hands are busy somewhere else." Charan smiled, "A few minutes of leisure won't hurt anyone." She smiled, "But, I have no time to spare for leisure." She went away and Charan kept looking at her. Charan looked at the sky and mumbled, "I think I have found love again, Alia. If you agree, please send a signal." A bird poop fell on his face and Charan jumped in joy, "I know you have let me die lonely. But, to be honest, you will always be my first love." Vivek looked at his brother's antics and smiled, "Even the coldest have a warm, beating heart."
    The Night Before Death
    Action · Rakib_Hassan
  • Shakalalaka123
    Charan was sitting on the sofa, drinking coffee and munching cookies; Vivek came inside the room and said, "I have a bad news, brother. That scum Alphonso has now joined hands with Francis." Charan sipped his coffee and said, "That Francis has stooped so low that he joined hands with a treacherous person like Alphonso, who was like a week ago his worst enemy. Is this the reaction you was expecting from me? Actually, I'm not quite surprised as I knew he would do something like this." Vivek said grimly, "I received a letter this morning from Ali. He said that he has firmed himself in the Sultanate, but unlike Sultan he has decided to keep his kingdom a democratic one and also started diplomatic relations with the neighbouring countries. Can they be some help to us? Now?" Charan replied, "No, they have already tied themselves in the holy spirit of democracy. We need someone who is ready to break some rules and wage a war." Vivek asked, "Who is he?" Charan replied, "General Zhukov." Vivek asked, "Why will he help us?" Charan replied, "Because we have a common enemy. Let's go and meet him." Vivek and Charan wore their jackets and went to the airport. They boarded their private jet and soon went in the air.
    The Night Before Death
    Action · Rakib_Hassan
  • Shakalalaka123

    The day Cathy knows their ssecret

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    The Night Before Death
    Action · Rakib_Hassan
  • Shakalalaka123

    Feminists when they will meet Harsh be like-

    Ch 98 The Pinky Promise
    The Night Before Death
    Action · Rakib_Hassan
  • Shakalalaka123

    Alphonso is surely the most heartless and crafty character of the novel.

    He said angrily, "No one is one, but only partners. If we start to quarrel among us, how can we achieve our dream goal?" Francis said, "Tell this to this thick-headed person." The man said angrily, "And what are you? Albert Einstein?" Kasper pulled the man inside his room and locked the door. A door opened and Alphonso came outside. Francis asked, "What took you so long?" Alphonso replied, "Got an upset stomach. Anyway, who were you fighting with?" Francis sighed, "Who else, Steven Zhukov?" Alphonso smiled, "Yeah. That half-breed is quite spicy." Kasper said, "Since Dmitry is dead, we should appoint Steven as the new head soon." Alphonso smiled, "Let him take his time. There is very much to happen before his coronation." Francis asked, "What do you mean?" Alphonso replied, "Just because you are wise, doesn't mean that others are fools. General Zhukov has already started digging your grave in Russia. We need to put him in his coffin before he puts us in ours." Francis said, "And you already have a plan." Alphonso smiled, "Yes, but I have some unfinished business to handle first." Kasper asked, "What unfinished business?" Alphonso smiled, "I have to pay some old debts." He put a bullet in Kasper's head and he fell on the ground dead. Francis asked shocked, "Why did you killed him?" Alphonso smiled, "I hate backstabbers." He went inside his room as Francis looked at the blood coming out from Kasper's head. He smiled, "Interesting." He poured himself a glass of vodka, as the jet speeded through the clouds.
    The Night Before Death
    Action · Rakib_Hassan
  • Shakalalaka123


    Vivek opened his phone gallery and looked at the photos of him and Arman together. He zoomed the photo and a tear rolled down his face. He scrolled further and saw Shirley, Liam, Ejaz, his two sisters, stepmothers and his father's photos. He put the phone on charging and closed his eyes. He looked at the ceiling and mumbled, "Why is it so hard to become successful? All the time I'm just losing and suffering. What's the point of remaining the top man if you are alone? I may kill Alphonso, give him the most painful death, but then what? Will my lost relations come back? Will my life be normal again? Will I find happiness again? Will I be the old me again?" These thoughts kept hammering his mind as his eyes slowly closed and he fell asleep.
    The Night Before Death
    Action · Rakib_Hassan
  • Shakalalaka123

    Every one has a backstory. This is a story of backstories.

    The nurse came inside to check him and touched his head to check for fever. After checking the temperature, she went outside and downstairs in the kitchen. After finishing her dinner and washing dishes, she took out her phone and dialed a number. After, few rings, the other end answered, "What's the news, agent N?" The nurse replied, "Both the targets are in my radar and one of them is totally dependent on me. But, the new guy seems quite smart. He's already asking me questions and I don't think he will remain idle for many days. We might have to increase our pace." The other end replied, "No. Too much pace will only damage the plan. Stick with the plan and I will see what I can do about this new guy." The call got disconnected. The nurse sighed, "Once, I'm finished with JK, I'm gonna make you suffer for what you did to my family, motherfucker." She smiled and went away to her room, as the moon started hiding behind the clouds...
    The Night Before Death
    Action · Rakib_Hassan
  • Shakalalaka123

    Harsh be like

    She brought two wine glasses and poured the drink in them and brought them to me. She sat close to me and said, "Sometimes I think why we celebrate New Year? What's so special about it?" I smiled, "Happiness and hope. The celebration of New Year is to wish happiness and hope to others. We make new resolutions, new friends, forget grudges and make love to each other." Naina smiled, "Love? Funny thing, isn't it?" I asked, "Why?" She took a sip of her drink and said, "I always thought that I will love only one man for all my life. Be loyal to him, care him and keep him happy." I asked, "But?" She sighed, "But, this Guru Nayak ruined everything. His madness, obsession and cheap ways to win me never let my dream prince come near me." I said, "This Guru guy seems to love you very much. See, Naina many people, particularly boys of my age finds it quite difficult to hear no, when we know that our love is true." She laughed, "Every boy thinks his love is true, that's why they go an extra mile to get it. But, what's matters the most is what the girl wants." I asked, "What's does the girl want?" She replied, "Trust. Every girl finds trust in her companion and when she finds it she stays with him for the rest of the life." I smiled, "How can we win this trust?" She replied, "By being yourself. I like you because you like to be stay like yourself and not change to impress others." I asked blushing, "You like me?" She smiled, "Every girl will. You are such a darling." I smiled and thanked her. She pulled my cheek and said, "Promise me, you won't say anything about tonight to anyone." I asked nervously, "What do you mean?" She pulled me towards her and kissed my lips. I pushed her and said, "It's wrong." She said, "I need it. If not you, then someone else." I pulled her closer and kissed her lips and said, "Okay. But, no strings attached."
    The Night Before Death
    Action · Rakib_Hassan
  • Shakalalaka123

    Naina right now

    I went inside my room and saw Naina was sitting there on my bed. Some tears were evident in her eyes and she looked at me. She came and almost jumped on me. I asked, "What happened?" She replied, "My father..my...fathe...r.." I asked, "What happened to him?" She replied, "It was all my fault. I should have told you earlier." I asked, "What do you want to say?" She replied, "My father is dead. Somebody killed him." I asked shocked, "Who killed him?" Naina looked at me and said smiling, "I did." I looked in horror and as I was about to ask something, something hit my head hard and my vision got blurry and I saw Naina smiling devilishly as I fell on the ground, unconscious.....
    The Night Before Death
    Action · Rakib_Hassan
  • Shakalalaka123

    Charan and Vivek inner feelings

    Charan and Vivek quickly went outside the compound and started searching for Alphonso. But, there was no one like Alphonso amongst the dead bodies. Charan said, "He must have escaped. Bloody coward." Vivek said, "Anyway, now he has no one behind him and it is a matter of time before he will lying dead at our feet." Charan and Vivek went near the Malaysian people and said, "Thanks for helping us today. You have done a big favor on us by helping us and we promise to repay one day." The people smiled and said, "No. We needed it. Syman was a monster, a selfish man. Killing him is the best we can do. We should thank you." Charan and Vivek quickly went inside their car and soon reached the airport. They quickly boarded into the helicopter and soon went into the air. Charan asked, "What do you want to do next?" Vivek said, "Once we finish the Dortmund and his crazy Russian friends, the Underworld will know the power of this two brothers. We are going to rip every enemy of ours apart." They both laughed as the helicopter became a dot in the sky....
    The Night Before Death
    Action · Rakib_Hassan
  • Shakalalaka123

    Harsh after killing Naina

    I opened my eyes and saw Captain was standing there, smoke coming out from his gun. Naina was lying near me, blood coming out from her stomach. I rose and picked up her gun and said, "Happy journey to the afterlife, psychopath." I ended her tale with a bullet and looked at Captain standing still there. I said, "We have an injured there. Please call an ambulance." After a few minutes, paramedics were treating my wounds. I asked, "How is Guru?" She replied, "He survived and has gained consciousness. He is currently in the ambulance heading to the hospital." I smiled. The doctor said, "You need rest and should be awry of the injury on your head. Though you managed to survive without any major injury, but you should not let another attack to happen as it may damage your brain nerves." I touched the lump and the pain came again. I stood up and went near Captain, who was standing near Naina's body. I said slowly, "She choosed it herself, no one to blame." Captain gave no response and I said, "She killed her father because he found out her evil motives." Captain said, "Lorenzo called yesterday. He wants us to be in Italy by the day after tomorrow, but since you are injured, you will get a week leave before flying to Italy." I said nothing and soon we reached Naina's house to take our stuff back. The place was crowded with people and police. We secretly smuggled our stuff in our car and I went inside to give a last look to the house. I looked around and saw few letters on the table.
    The Night Before Death
    Action · Rakib_Hassan