

2020-09-19 JoinedIndia

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  • Iamtheking22
    Iamtheking224 years ago
    Replied to Unknown_Level


    This chapter has been deleted.
  • Iamtheking22
    Iamtheking224 years ago

    yeah some more

    This chapter has been deleted.
  • Iamtheking22
    Iamtheking224 years ago
    Replied to Sihansiregar

    wow! ~ you have also found my name?!! How was that possible bro? sorry for dragging others down. I realized my mistake. you can also delete the review then your rating will climb back to before it was me giving the review

  • Iamtheking22
    Iamtheking224 years ago
    Replied to Sihansiregar

    HMMMM~ you sure have to much time to check on other people profiles. what a slacker. lol. well if that's what you want to think then go aheadd!! like it matters me. *laugh* AJPaturde. I just love his book, any prob with that? what if we joined at the same date? we are different person! Just don't go on making assumptions without any real proof.

  • Iamtheking22
    Iamtheking224 years ago
    Replied to Sihansiregar

    You have got the wrong idea bro. It's not like that. You can check my account I have not written anything. ANd I have also not made any fake account. Sorry if I wronged you by posting negative comment.

  • Iamtheking22
    Iamtheking224 years ago

    This is a good book but I didn't find it that intresting so I am just giving less ratings, forgive me. I am sorry that your story is getting less ratings!

  • Iamtheking22
    Iamtheking224 years ago

    This is a good book but I didn't find it that intresting so I am just giving less ratings, forgive me. I am sorry that your story is getting less ratings!

  • Iamtheking22
    Iamtheking224 years ago

    This is a good book but I didn't find it that intresting so I am just giving less ratings, forgive me. I am sorry that your story is getting less ratings!

  • Iamtheking22
    Iamtheking224 years ago

    I liked the boook but some part of that book doesn't allow me to give full ratings. I am also not able to tell what's wrong here. Please take it positively author.

  • Iamtheking22
    Iamtheking224 years ago

    I liked the boook but some part of that book doesn't allow me to give full ratings. I am also not able to tell what's wrong here. Please take it positively author.