of reading
Read books
Its a B rank but in Madara hands is a S rank
We were told that gods, fairies and other mythological beings gather in Avalon, which implies that the Promise of Greek mythology also does so and since they are the same person, when in Avalon the Promise can use all of their powers.
Other donkey speakig about ears
Puede ser, puede ser, pero te olvidas que ellas no harían eso por miedo a enojar y/o entristecer a Promesa
Talking about your own situation again?
The donkey speaking about ears, you don't hurt anything, you literally just recongnized than you are an idiot
Every time you confirm your lack of brain, it is not defending the story, it is asking that at least if you try to criticize something that that something does not happen in each and every one of the existing stories What you did was basically as if someone criticized the existence of aliens in an alien movie and insulted and considered incorrect anyone who did not have the same opinion as him.
No, at all times the problem was your brain (or lack thereof to be more specific), I never tried to defend the story because I didn't even read it, I simply commented on how absolutely garbage your arguments are for saying that the story is bad.