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Lol. If I was gay, then I'd just accept it, if I was transgender, then I'd just accept it, but I'm not. Literally nothing you've said has hurt my personal feelings at all. Ego or free time? Definitely free time, though you can't really say anything about that considering you're still here too. I thought I made this clear, but I'm not offended or hurt by anything you've said, just calling out your reasoning for your bullshit views. Seriously, you think of being gay as some disease, you compare it to actual bad shit like rape. You have your views, I have mine, sure, but I was just showing that your views make no sense, and in the end are just utterly pathetic. You could say that arguing with your opinion is pointless, and you're right, but it's not anymore pointless than you giving your irrational views on gays. It's just, most people form opinions for good reasons, then there are the rare few like you, who here I am making it clear how illogical and dumb your views are. Who am I to judge your views or whatever? Oh you know, just a random guy on the internet, just like how you'd judge someone for being gay, I'm judging you for being dumb. Was it necessary for me to give my opinion? No. Was it necessary for you to give your opinion? No. Yet it's weird, we both still did. I just called out your opinion as ridiculous.
I've... literally repeated myself like 5 times at this point. You called being gay a sickness, a disease, something against nature itself, for some reason you brought up inbreeding, rape, and pyscopathy. Don't try and act like you were just annoyed over the author calling everyone homophobic if they complained, because your original comment is right below this one. I am literally speechless that you have the ability to lie in this situation when the proof is right there. If you were just annoyed about the author accusing people who complained about the gay stuff homophobic, then I wouldn't have commented, but no, you went off on a rant about how gays were, like I've already repeated myself, sick, a disease, against nature, you compared it to rape, in.cest, and pyscopathy. The only point above that is even remotely viable is the against nature one, but even that, it's not against nature, it's not hurting or damaging anything related to nature, it's just not following the instincts to reproduce, which with a population that is way too high, is literally a good thing at this point. Stop downplaying and lying about what you said to make yourself seem right, if you're gonna give your stupid views on gays, then at least own up to your own words.
Being a keyboard justice warrior? There's no justice to be had, your reasoning was just dumb, such extreme views you brought up for no reason, not to mention, it's easy to sound emotional online, when in reality I didn't care at all, it's not like this conversation means anything after all. As for the video.. I don't.. So there's no 'gay' gene? Are you trying to say being gay doesn't exist or something? Or are u trying to say it's because gays are, I don't know, just wrong about their feelings? Maybe, just maybe, it's not a gene that describes somebody's feelings or attraction. I believe in science completely, but even I know that this study doesn't mean anything worthwhile.
As for thick skin.. I mean, it's the other way around here. Your views are straight up retarded with no good reasoning behind them, while I have backed up all of my reasoning with you know.. actual reasons. I was laughing at how dumb you were sounding when you were going on about trying to make sure the new generations don't contract the gay or whatever, but the fact you're calling me the one with the thick skin just makes it even funnier.
I'm not butthurt? Like I don't really care, I just have incessant need to call out people on their bullshit. It's a pretty big flaw of mine, and if you really were busy you'd just not have responded in the first place. In the end I just don't care, idiots will be idiots, that's just a part of life I guess.
Of course I liked my own comments, do you not? You have the ability to do it for a reason.
Playing with shit? Definitely disgusting, don't know why ur coming up with this, but you also brought up shit like being a pyschopath and rape and tried comparing it to being gay. You don't like seeing something gay? Fine, it's your opinion, but you're bringing it to levels that are fucking ridiculous. Brainwashed from Netflix shows? .. I'm just not even gonna try. In the end, if you don't like something gay, then fine, who cares, but you don't even think of it as just some weird fetish, you straight up call it a sickness, acting like it should be cured and how we need to teach kids that being gay is disgusting and wrong. Smh, if you think people are gay just because of the way they're brought up, then you're beyond stupid. It's not just humans who've been known to be gay after all. This.. conversation.. is obviously not gonna go anywhere, you're just gonna keep thinking of it as some sort of contracted sickness. lol, 'Help Doctor, my son, he's caught the gay! Please, save him before he gets taken by the devil!'. Don't need a reason for disliking something? Sure, if you dislike brocolli, who am I to say otherwise.. But like I've said multiple times, you call being gay a sickness, as if it can be cured, you compare it to rape, inbreeding and psychopathy with the only reason being you don't like it, or to put it in simpler terms, ur a fuckin idiot.
5?! He did this at 5?! You know what, I'm not even gonna go there. The points been made.
Again, not overly complicating things, you just refuse to give a reason why it's wrong. You say 'just read my previous comments' but that's the reason I even commented, you compared being gay to a sickness, you brought up psychopaths and rape comparable to being gay, not me. Also, again, you're adding unrelated points. It's like, 'gay *** is wrong unless you support inbreeding, but straight *** is right because.. um.. it just is.' Stop comparing being gay to inbreeding, they're not the same at all. Also, what are you on about, 'oh as long as they don't reproduce then having *** with your family is fine, right?', what the **** are you on about? So gay *** is wrong because you can't reproduce, and therefore somehow comparable to inbreeding, but straight *** is fine. By your logic, the only reason for someone to have *** is to reproduce, otherwise it's like inbreeding or something. Gay and ****** aren't even remotely related, yet you're trying to compare them to each other. Like what if I make the point of straight ****** being fine as long as you don't reproduce? Does that suddenly make it fine? I mean it doesn't conform to your irrational hatred of being gay so it's just fine, right? See how stupid that sounds? I guess I should have expected it from the stupid comments I saw earlier, but you have no good points other than you hate it because it's just wrong in your eyes. Reason why I called it childish? Because there are many adults who learn to think from another perspective after growing up, unfortunately, you seem to have still not unlocked that ability just yet.
I did not say only kids and teenagers hate gay things or whatever, I said 'hating' something as harmless as being gay is just stupid, and in the end adults are usually far more accepting of it than kids. Stop bringing unrelated things into it, inbreeding causes genetic defects to the children, of course it's wrong, being gay causes no harm, simple as that. You keep saying you hate gays, but I feel like you don't know what the word hate means because you keep switching your descriptions. Yes, male and female's are different for a reason, but it's just like.. Other than reproduction, what is the difference? It quite simply doesn't matter. Your views are just so stupid. Like I asked before, can you give me one sufficient reason why being gay is so wrong? I can understand being uncomfortable with it, if I see something gay, I'm immediately turned off, but that's just me, I am not dumb enough to believe that just because I don't like something then nobody else does. Your views are so extreme. You hate gays, then you'll beat them up, then you don't care, then you're just uncomfortable, pick one. You compared being gay to a sickness, like being a pyschpath, you even brought rape into it, and it's just ridiculous.