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When she was young she was apparently very attractive to many people. There are some pics on the wiki I believe if u want to look
I started reading this with low expectations. It's hilarious. The sheer absurdity of the MC is great. I was laughing the whole time I was reading this. Keep up the good work!
this went to shit so quick its crazy
copied name from the other similar fanfic RIP. Revival of Uchiha, Starting with a Harem
This fanfic has been quite entertaining so far. I enjoyed the different starting point than most fanfics. My only major complaint is the interaction with female characters. The MC goes from someone with a plan, strong ideals, and certain viewpoints, to a complete pushover whenever a woman is involved. It's bizarre and detracts from the story. Cheers
That was hilarious.
Dang, I haven't seen an author murder a fic like this in a while :(. Good luck, but I'm out.
Thank you for your dedication. I really enjoyed the journey.
Love it. Very easy going story with a great protagonist. 5/5 would recommend.