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Great story. It stopped updating 2 months ago, but I’m not sure if that means it’s complete since I’m not even halfway through with it yet. I love that there’s a singular romantic interest, one of the few system fics without a shitty harem. Love it. Klee is the best, most adorable character ever.
What’s wrong it’s Shimura Nana?
I’m the opposite myself. I hate harems since they’re legitimately horrid. If If you can’t devote 100% of yourself to a partner, then obviously it’s not a good relationship. If both partners have multiple partners, that’s different. Having one male/female with several females/males with only the, ugh, harem members devoting themselves completely to the one partner comes off as disgusting. If you want several people to have a relationship with, they’re called friends.
Holy shit. It’s kinda sad knowing you’re a part of humanity. I really hope you’re either a child, or were a child at least. If you’re a full grown adult, please don’t pass your genes down the line.
It’s not healthier. It is closer to your body temp though, so your body can use it faster instead of waiting for it to warm up enough to be of use. On hot days, while cold water feels more refreshing, warm water will help you more. Your body won’t waste as much energy stopping the cold water from negatively effecting you, and you hydrate faster.
Read what’s in that picture. Understand it’s the manipulation of the biological, not energy. Biological energy? Sure. Not energy in general. It’s right there.
Simple my single brain-celled friend. A Biokinetic is someone who can manipulate biological material. Pretty simple. Ambire-Ergokinesis: manipulates ambient energy. Asterokinesis: manipulates cosmic energy. Astrakinesis: manipulates astral energy Ergokinesis: allows for energy manipulation in general though. Google. It’s a hell of a thing you complete dumbass.
You have zero idea what a Biokinetic is, like at all. Good god man, reading your comment made me lose some brain cells due to the sheer stupidity of your comment.
Australian here. God I wish I could have done that to our current ministry. Good job. Hahaha.
He means the protection spell from earlier chapters would react violently to sexual assault. MJ wouldn’t cheat on him. That’s what he means.