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Are you going to have him serve the Targaryens. Or ally with them honestly that plot point is flawed as it doesn’t make sense for a high ranking dragonlord to submit to a lesser family. I think you should have him conquer Essos and challenge the Targaryens over time. Or swoop in after the dance of dragons and rule Westeros. Just giving my personal perspective on the future of this story.
Why don’t you finish this fanfic I checked your patreon as well. Ends at the last chapter.
Uchiha kirito
Personally I don’t understand why he would be subservient to a family he has no ties to. Yes marriage is possible but I highly discourage him bending the knee to the targaryens he is also a dragonlord. Furthermore if he has the largest and strongest dragon he should honor his ancestors goal and extend his bloodline and make a territory for himself. Free from the control of the targaryens and Westeros. He wouldn’t serve them and wouldn’t share the process of Valyrian steel that should stay with his family as well as magic. History can be shared with the targaryens, velaryeons, and celtigars. But having him just give away knowledge to the Targaryens is foolish.
Any update on next part of this story ?
Sorry just realized his sister is not coming to the future with him point stands he cannot be with rhaenyra because she is the future queen children will be born Targaryen and he will refuse to be under another houses rule. Also daemon will try and fight for rhaenyra hand and straining relationship between himself and house Targaryen. Only option left is laena and with vhagar being a female his dragons line can continue as well for his descendants. Married laena and conquers remnants of Valyrian freehold, ie volantis and the 3 sisters. With this he can secure his line and not be subservient to those he considers lesser. He has the biggest and strongest dragon, best personal guard and with house velaryon he would have a fleet which in conjunction with his dragon will allow for the conquest of the daughters of Valyria. Cannot see a better or more realistic outcome. Besides why would he care about Westeros they don’t worship the same gods don’t speak the same language his only interest would be fellow dragonlords and I believe Corlys will agree to the match purely for the fact that his family has been slighted to many times. And seeing a new powerful unwed dragonlord will be the perfect opportunity to rise above just a bannerman of house Targaryen.
Don’t think it’s realistic for a dragonlord at the top of old Valyria to treat lesser dragonlords as his equals. His sister is with him therefore he doesn’t need a marriage. His bloodline is secure and he wouldn’t lower himself to serve those he perceives as below him. He could possible conquer the Valyrian colonies with his dragon and dragon knights no free city will be able to withstand him. Essos is up for grabs and since he served on the council of Valyria he should hypothetically have a good grasp of how the freehold ran the territory. But under no circumstances does he marry into a lesser dragonlord family, or Westeros great house. It would be pointless and inconsistent with his charachter as of now.
Will we find out rhyhorns talent level soon ?