


I'm just a depressed guy with maybe suicidal tendencies πŸ‘Œ

2020-08-31 JoinedBrazil

of reading


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  • IzanagiBR
    IzanagiBR2 years ago

    Even chapter 68 was acceptable, well written and moving at a good pace. An interesting development of the MC's personality and his powers, he is even portrayed as INTELLIGENT at all times, creating things, knowing things about other characters, knowing how to act, etc . But in chapter 69 the MC's personality and intelligence dropped drastically, it wouldn't be strange if it was another author writing. In fact, Gotham's arc looks totally sloppy. I dropped it. Read at your own risk.

  • IzanagiBR
    IzanagiBR2 years ago

    Well, heartfelt review from someone who was really enjoying the story. I use Google translator, so if the writing is difficult to understand, forgive me. SPOILERS!!! The story starts interesting using the plot of the movie 300 with the insertion of the MC. Something that left something to be desired was the dialogues, it seems that it lacks emotion and a decent "conversation" between the characters. After the Spartans are defeated and the MC ends up surviving, the encounter with Theseus and the development up to that point were consistent, but after that it somehow felt like the story got weird. Points I didn't like: 1 - Interaction with Hercules: It was mei meh, something is missing, the development of the MC training mini-arc did not seem believable 2- MY FRIEND: This is said every time with all the characters, it doesn't even make sense anymore, just Poseidon needs to get to the MC and say "my friend, forgive your old man".Idk 3- Tristan very meaningless the way it was developed, kills women and children just because daddy asked and then regrets it, not before attacking the AMAZONS with the idea that they shelter people with black magic lol, the amazons, nor will I say nothing, anyone can read a little about them and would understand why it doesn't, I think the author forgot or ran out of creativity and just forced a pointless confrontation to make the MC angry. 4- Creation of the weapon: Knull's appearance was really something interesting and that made me anxious for new chapters, but the interaction between the king of Wakanda and the Mc was a very bad, unbearably bad, and then the king says it would give vibranium for the MC, lol, vibranium, Wakanda this doesn't make sense to me, guys kill for a gram of vibranium, that just killing night demons or idk doesn't seem like enough to me. Basically, too lazy plot, Finally what made no sense was the king of Wakanda having all the metals the protagonist needs and still giving it to the protagonist like, bro, I'm missing something, don't close it. I don't know if maybe an African deity was interested in the MC and that's why he achieved so much in one trip (I think it was less than a chapter, I don't remember) or any random reason, it seems to me that rare and strong metals turned bananas. 5- I really liked the trident, the way it was presented, the enthusiasm I had that died there in the Battle of the Gates started to return insanely until the MC, who by then already knew he was Poseidon's son, decides out of nowhere, naming itself "POSEIDON", like out of nowhere, it came like this, I saw a lot of people complaining about it in the comments and I didn't even see any explanation from the author but idk. 6- What made me drop this fanfic was the development between the MC and merman, it doesn't make sense, no matter what the author explains or what he invents, he developed a Spartan who at no time showed signs of acting as he did, he didn't in the slightest sense, SPARTAN, by the gods, he looked more like an ordinary Athenian. There are many more things that you will notice reading the fanfic. I recommend you read it for yourself but remembering what I've already said and draw your conclusions. Sorry if my review got a little weird, I don't usually give it, I only do it when something I was loving makes me feel as disappointed as I did with this fanfic. Being the reader already experienced in Webnovel, I don't expect anything from a story from this site, for me what comes is profit, but this story frustrated me too much, I've read a lot of crap, a lot if you go to see my profile , but there are few stories I've read that are good and the author idk gets lost in the development that way. Live happy

  • IzanagiBR
    IzanagiBR3 years ago

    LOL autor-san I will start Mechanical Engineering in April. 😢😡

  • IzanagiBR
    IzanagiBR3 years ago
    Replied to KemeIsKong

    LOL I don't know, I'm letting you accumulate chapters to read

  • IzanagiBR
    IzanagiBR3 years ago

    Dear author, I would like to thank you for the MHA fanfic, it has been one of the best I've read. Big hug to you! Keep up the good work! About love interests I will quote what I think below: 1-A girls: I don't like Ochaco very much and she matches Midoriya a lot, Mina also matches Kirishima a lot, and Jiro and Kaminari MATCH TOO MUCH, HERO CLOTHES ARE SUITABLE AND THEIR TASTE TOO! So these I don't think work with the MC. Toru is a very interesting choice, very, very little used, since Momo is a perfect character for me, but it has been used a lot, basically it's used in every fanfic, so it's up to the author. I don't know about Tsuyu, I don't like it very much and she's like a frog so I prefer not to be paired. Girls from 1-B: Yui I think it's really cool to use, very little used in fanfics, it has a pretty cool appearance, personality and skills, Kendo too but it's been used well so I don't know, Ibara is very annoying with the business of divinity so don't use it please.... the rest of the girls I don't know, they weren't used much in the fanfics or in the original work, so you would have a nice margin of work, I would prefer you not to use them, but it's just an option more. Older women: I saw a comment about Rumi, and well, I don't know, it's been used a lot and she's a lot older than the MC, which I don't think she would be interested in him, maybe just because he can fight Is it over there? Perhaps. I don't see older heroines like her, Nemuri, Lady Nagant and others taking an interest in the MC without being forced and well, pedophilia? Maybe much later when he's a hero and older. Of the older women I think only Mount Lady could be interested in the MC because of being a new hero and her personality. Now, there's a girl that I think would be perfect, Nejire, she's strong, pretty, cute, has a personality that I think would make a weird but cool match with the MC, her quirk is pretty cool and the MC could give her ideas (You), she is even used well as Momo, but much less. In the original work, others think she's weird so I think she needs some love. (Note: I'm Brazilian, I used the translator, so if something is illegible sorry)

  • IzanagiBR
    IzanagiBR3 years ago
    Replied to kickyx

    Dear author, just give a light description about the fight and it's great(Translate)

  • IzanagiBR
    IzanagiBR3 years ago

    Kill tang Wulin and Gu Yue and get two super strong and talented fairies[img=recommend]

  • IzanagiBR
    IzanagiBR3 years ago
    Replied to DaoDerper

    I have nothing against Yuri, actually I really like it, the problem is that it's tiring, there's only fl with yuri on webnovel, very rare with heterosexual fl