I came to read Omniscient Reader, stayed for everything else
of reading
Read books
shit, just checked, and you are 100% correct. A damn shame that the work was stolen, but I'm glad I discovered this work here, seeing as I only use FF.net for FREAKIN GENSOKYO
if you want to claim that he stole this, you'd best provide some evidence
the very first time this has ever proved successful in dragon ball, to my (very limited) knowledge
"any time kaiba smiles, a puppy does"
fuckin lol
whenever I turn in an issued M4 back to the armory and they see that I'm left handed, they always say something, 'wrong handed' being the most common
I'm officially in AIT now, so i have access to my phone. Being able to read the chapter the day it comes out instead of days later is really nice
literally graduated boot camp today; i fully understand this sentiment