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When is the author going to restart this book, he has updated his other one recently but left this one hanging
I like the story but it does have strong down sides. The inability to get the names right or even to keep them the same inside a same chapter is confusing and a sign of shoddy editing. I mean some change 3 times in a couple of paragraphs, it’s not difficult to go back and clearly change the names and it would massively improve coherence. Overall, like the story but need proper editing.
I loved the fact that he didn’t get the system till he already made something of himself, that he’s not going one quest to another like many #system novels. Another thing I like is that I find a lot of the bit organic not totally far fetched. Though making a spy organisation for Hollywood was a laugh. It’s a good read though wish I’d been going longer to have more chapters.
Love the original and this accompanies it nicely Wish there were regular updates because the RAWs are crap
@author When are you updating ?
And in gen 3 it had Pickup so extra items too
I always liked my ruby/sapphire/emerald RALTS, took me hours each run to get the right ability/nature combo Honorable mention to my reliable zigzagoon/linoone, my faithful HM slave and item finder
No worries, family is more important so all the time you need
4 month later still nothing 😭
Two month later still nothing @author : Are you still alive, or is this dropped ?