Ig : galeri.lefkilavanta Selamat datang dan selamat membaca Xoxo, Lefkilavanta💜
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Amazing fantasy! I entered into his world 😱😱😱 Honestly, I was very surprised how the author told the plot. I love fantastic fantasy like this, it makes me imagine many things, Xixixi.
I have found an extraordinary fantasy! I really love how the author tells his imagination. This work captivated my heart.
I wish this novel to be great in the future!I really fell in love with the great storyline. 💜
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
Sean, ingat yaaa, ambisi bales dendam itu gak baik kalau terlalu besar :) Aku mendukungmu, Sean! berharap kamu punya happy ending nantinya 🥺🥺🥺
Lanjut thorrrrrrrr masuk rak nich hehehehe
Diksinya cantik banget thor, asli dehh
btw, openingnya sad amat :( Sedih bacanya. berharap kalau ada happy ending nantinya. Berasa banget gimana hancurnya si Anyelir di sini 🥺🥺🥺
Good job Thor! update lagi yokkkkk, masuk rak nih hehehehe
Suka banget sama openingnya!!! Fix ini rekomendasi buat kalian semua!
jujur, pendeskripsian setiap adegannya manis dan halus bangettt kata-katanya, tp tetep bikin penasaran
Goodjob! yuk update lagi thorrrrr, aman di rak aku nich hahahaha
See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza
See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza