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  • Echoes_man
    Replied to matobia

    Been ages since I last read and I was around chap 100 but y'know could be classified

    "Okay." Dunn didn't give his opinion. He concentrated on making his way to his office. "I will send a telegraph to the Holy Cathedral."
    Lord of Mysteries
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Echoes_man

    Noah doing our boy Devilish Unveiler dirty here he is literally the reason why Noah is ridiculously cautious at this point.

    "I've come across many enemies in my life, but the Avernus Clan is the only one that has so far given me setbacks. With this in mind, I don't expect them to face any negative consequences after doing what they did. But since I am their target…I'll be the one to retaliate even if the Senatus of Extremity does nothing!"
    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    Games · Adui
  • Echoes_man
    Replied to ShadowQuill

    I think he's talking about our boy Risen since he does act pretty ruthlessly when he is on a mission and also was pretty damn badass in that one conversation with an army officer

    Tale of Bahamut
    Fantasy · ShadowQuill
  • Echoes_man
    Replied to The_Void_Monarch

    My friend I've been wishing for this series to come back for a long time. I genuinely hope it returns because it was just fascinating with its world. I even got excited when its description and name was changed from what it used to be to its current one. I really hope the author returns after enjoying reading other stuff here.

    Tale of Bahamut
    Fantasy · ShadowQuill
  • Echoes_man
    Replied to Cheikadee

    Why do you think he wasn't? Pretty sure they never said anything that would be against that being the case.

    Ch 2045 Eowyn's Plea II
    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    Games · Adui
  • Echoes_man
    Replied to rannday

    Which was exactly what I was hoping wouldn't happen, but this is a story on the Webnovel platform that heavily takes its business and story models from Chinese Wuxia culture, which is a shame, to an extent.

    Ch 1910 A Profound Revelation!
    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    Games · Adui
  • Echoes_man
    Replied to TrevorTNT

    But he himself is breaking the Fundamental Law of Manadynamics with this, so his trait might become something that is roblematic for his domain in the long term as well if there isn't a new higher level bullstuff that is actually infinite and is sourcing his mana.

    He had already forged his first Dimensional Layer that corresponded to the 9 Dimensions as if he was capable of assimilating all of them into his Infinite Reality and also assimilate the vast Realities and the Main Reality…it was unknown what the results would be as this was a possible path!
    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    Games · Adui
  • Echoes_man
    Replied to kameko_neko_chan

    Would probably be the most interesting chapter in the entire novel but we all know that's not gonna happen since, you know, it's not "magisterial" or "emperor-like" or "tyrannical" or whatever the heck Adui is insistent on using to describe Noah these days and have as his entire character description

    Each one had their own radiant colored hair that ranged from the blue of Adelaide to the red of Anna to the golden shimmering hair flowing over the shoulders of Halcyon, each of these shocking women with world destroying figures and looks talking amongst each other while waiting for the thigh of a Ninth Firmament Royal Cosmic Adjudicator Wolf Commander to finish grilling as the skewers turned over the golden colored flames while releasing shocking glistening radiance.
    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    Games · Adui
  • Echoes_man
    Replied to ShadowQuill

    Oh shoot you started reading LotM, man? Very cool. Hope you enjoy it. Hope it also inspires you to restart writing. /jk.

    Klein acknowledged as he replied in enlightenment, "The only lesson that humans can learn from history is that humans do not gain any lessons from history, and they're always repeating the same tragedies."
    Lord of Mysteries
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Echoes_man
    Replied to Shou_Hei_Kun

    It's originally a myth, Greek if I remember, that talks about the war between gaints and the gods? I mean, I know Titanomachia was a thing and pretty sure I heard Gigantomachia but I am not sure if it was some sort end of the world scenario for the Greeks or something else. I am surprised you did not know it was originally from mythology though.

    <The ownership of the Quasi-TABOO Nomological Edict and Flames of Gigantomachia has been granted.>
    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    Games · Adui
  • Echoes_man
    Replied to Olpa

    Well only the celestial vine one right now, we don't know if he got all the pages and he hasn't followed up on the one that should be coming from Arcadiam Emperor yet. He does not get Modus Operandi by looting people because apparently they are encrypted by Legends or something like that. Was said when he first got the celestial vine one.

    He had the same shackles any existence who had not reached the Eighth Firmament of Ascendancy would have, and yet his shackles shockingly seemed loose as even though they were there, they seemed ready to simply fall off of him whenever he wished!
    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    Games · Adui
  • Echoes_man
    Replied to light_the_fox

    It did say that though

    After Gu Xi returned to Sanqing Peak, he began to attempt to extract the seeds.
    Extracting Billions Of Toxins And Tempering An Unsullied Body
    Eastern · Superior Human
  • Echoes_man
    Replied to JacksonWalker

    Probably it will happen at some point, but I doubt the story will be able to do anything interesting with it.

    When the servant beside him heard this, he was speechless. He could not help but say, "These are all too young? Do you know that this Pure Heart Youlan is 500 years old? This Snow Jade Bone Ginseng here, take a look. It has a miraculous effect on the recovery of injuries. It could be used to refine healing pills..."
    Extracting Billions Of Toxins And Tempering An Unsullied Body
    Eastern · Superior Human
  • Echoes_man
    Replied to Kyrus

    What are the seven stars then? I'd assume actual stars that are important for Chinese astrology but dunno which ones.

    "Tai Chi gives birth to two elements; two elements give birth to three talents; three talents give birth to four symbols; four symbols give birth to five elements; five elements give birth to six directions; six directions give birth to seven stars; seven stars give birth to eight trigrams; eight trigrams give birth to nine palaces; nine palaces expands to infinity!"
    Extracting Billions Of Toxins And Tempering An Unsullied Body
    Eastern · Superior Human
  • Echoes_man
    Replied to Zillion225

    Interesting question there.

    Ch 1603 An Ushered Era of Chaos! IV
    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    Games · Adui
  • Echoes_man
    Replied to Jaricvenn

    Gif sauce?

    Cold and alone, the woman couldn't help but cry. Maybe the guard was right, she knew better than to trust cultivators. In her mind, if ever she survives in this situation, she will not make the same mistake of falling in love with a cultivator again. But alas, the gods did not hear her wish as the cold wind curved through her body, taking along her last breath with it.
    Reincarnated as both God and The Devil
    Fantasy · Romeru
  • Echoes_man
    Replied to Isaac_Newgram

    The story doesn't stop that nonsense, so of course the fandom has to be a sludge pit about it. I hate it as well, but that's just how it is.

    Ch 1557 A Coincidental Meeting!
    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    Games · Adui
  • Echoes_man
    Replied to Ilaem

    Oh hi, so you're the other person who has been putting a lot of stones into this lately. You think it's gonna come back? I've been placing power stones since the day I saw it got renamed and there really hasn't been anything. Last time I checked, the author was out reading some shi tty cultivation novels and some horror stories or something. Will applaud their taste for not reading only cultivation though

    Ch -1 Yo!
    Tale of Bahamut
    Fantasy · ShadowQuill
  • Echoes_man

    I feel like I'm the only one who isn't excited about the child plotline. Just feels really pointless at this point, since this story is just not made for proper and interesting character relationships. The most interesting people in the series are two characters who got away from Noah as soon as possible after they were done with him, and I just don't think this story has what it needs for a good character-driven plotline about Noah's family. That is also the same reason why I don't like the "bring his mom from the past" plotline. And I mean, this will lead to progress in that plotline as well so it's double the displeasure.

    Ch 1539 The Progeny of the Tyrannical Emperor Descends! I
    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    Games · Adui
  • Echoes_man
    Replied to 5_DimensionalBeing

    *Over a year later*

    See y'all soon! "Soon" being who knows how long. Maybe a few days. Please be a few days. Please. Fuck brain please.
    Tale of Bahamut
    Fantasy · ShadowQuill