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Im getting annoyed with how many new characters there are, with no character development for the main characters, and how every chapter is becoming repeated "new snobby rich person thinks they're better, nora shows them they're wrong cause somehow Nora is a master in everything!" or "Omg new character somehow meets cherry and Pete separately and sees how alike they are! And somehow this new character has more character development in the past 2 chapters than the main characters in 100+ chapters!"
I dont understand how Evie can say that gavriel and gavreal are the aame person when literally both gavs said they were completely different people when they met in their mind right before gavriel came back. I feel like they were completely different and now feel bad for gavriel that evie slept with gavreal
Hi author, not sure if its been said previously but do human know about the wolves or are they kept hidden ? and if they dont know about the wolves , then what do the humans think of isolated compounds that they dont go into or possibly not know about
.... wow that was... 😳😳😳
am i the only one who cant swipe down and read
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes udd yes h h h h h h hbu hbhsbbsbd h h h h h h g h h j d s g h d s s h j g