I read and draw and make stuff.
of reading
Read books
I have an older brother who is much taller than me. He thought it would be funny one time. I'm sure it was hilarious for everyone watching, but oof, it was not an experience I would recommend.
The answer to both has to be 'yes'
...Why do I get the feeling that there's a third one over and above Record and Instant? Something about nurturing? We seem to be getting hints in that direction that could be more than just a side effect of his leadership skills?
...This is why these two switched bodies. They're too alike
Looks like all the [L]s and [R]s got turned into [W]s here
ASKosan needs to stop ASKing stupid things
And THAT is how you threaten the rats drooling over the warehouse stores to stay in the fields where they belong
“Really, I don't want it!!”