


It's raining...

2020-08-17 JoinedJapan



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How to not summon a demon lord x DMC

This is just a one-shot *possibly*. Warning: Possible Grammar Issues Ahead. Disclaimer: Devil May Cry and How Not to Summon a Demon Lord belongs to their rightful owners. (Somewhere…) Snows are falling in the ground like leaves leaving the trees as winter comes closer. A man is walking towards a grave by the side of an angel statue, close to a gothic chapel. He is wearing a long black luxurious coat, a blue pants with horizontal stripes on it and a pair of black shoes. Breathings are heavy, his body is aching. He held his katana firmly as he approaches the grave. The grave of his mother that had been killed by a person who he hated the most and promised revenged on him, Mundus. Coughing some blood, he brushed off the crimson liquid coming out of his mouth while his body bleeds profusely. He limply walks and almost at the verge of falling down. He gathered also his remaining strength and tries to stand while using his sword to support his body. Once he had approached the grave, he stopped and looked at its epitaph. And there, a picture of a family is attached, the picture of his family. Finally, he knelt down from the fatigue while not removing his gaze at the picture on the epitaph. "What happened to us, father?" After saying that, he coughed blood at the picture. Still, his breathes are heavy. "Dante betrayed me. There's nothing left for me here." He said and opened his coat, revealing a torn body of his with no heart inside of it. From it, bloods pour down and out, staining the inside of his coat. And after showing his bloodied empty chest, he falls down at the grave's concrete slab, completely succumbing from the pain and fatigue. As he lies down, a bright light formed circles around him with unknown scriptures along with it. His eyes went wide-opened suddenly because of this. He tried to maintain his eyes opened, but the light is so strong, almost blinding him. He then has no any other choice but to close them back and wait for what is about to happen to him.

KiyoshiKen · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs