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  • Pocketp

    thanks for the chapter

    Ch 10 CHAPTER 10
    Twilight: The Heavenly Demon
    Movies · Mas_W
  • Pocketp

    thanks for the chapter

    Ch 9 CHAPTER 9
    Twilight: The Heavenly Demon
    Movies · Mas_W
  • Pocketp
    Replied to Dwaaljam

    masculine, due to translator errors it can say "she" but it is masculine

    Ch 4 Approach
    Avatar: An Evolveable Avatar
    Movies · Pocketp
  • Pocketp
    Replied to UthredofBebbanburg

    understandable, but he was not made to understand the na'vi culture, he was made to be the perfect being in survival on earth and in pandora. I know that Dr. Grace taught him the Na'vi culture to the point of mastering it, at least theoretically, but for him it is nothing more than information about a culture.

    He demanded from me the reasons why he came to his tribe, pointing his bow at me. I honestly answered him that he came to learn how to be an omaticaya and because he was bored.
    Avatar: An Evolveable Avatar
    Movies · Pocketp
  • Pocketp
    Replied to UthredofBebbanburg

    Understandable, but despite the fact that it would have been a real problem if an artery or a vein was severely damaged or any other part necessary for the body in a survival environment, that is precisely what this series of tests of himself was used to be able to see his abilities or limits that his body really had and if for some reason it was damaged it would regenerate (call it the plot buff). The scientists taught him some survival and more dr.grace on the planet of pandora and from what he has seen nothing is truly a problem for his integrity, but in reality he did not know anything about his abilities other than that he was stronger, faster , smarter, more resistant but he didn't know until he limited and that intrigued him.

    On my fourth day I observed more capacities of my bones that were basically perfect to keep me in this atmosphere with a durability superior to that of any living being on this planet or that's what I think, for the moment I haven't broken any of them, despite that I try by throwing myself from great heights.
    Avatar: An Evolveable Avatar
    Movies · Pocketp
  • Pocketp
    Replied to UthredofBebbanburg

    Understandable, the character is stupid for you, any suggestions to improve it, just clarify I'm new to writing and I don't have the slightest idea how to write a story, that's why I'm doing it. What I can see you dislike is why he killed something in front of a Na'vi, it's understandable that you think that because the Na'vi have a highly spiritualistic culture regarding nature and their distaste for unnecessary hunting by at least in the culture of the ometecaya. But what I tried at least was to demonstrate his abilities and that if he attacked him he would at least defend himself, apart from Dr. Grace he knows his culture but he doesn't care because before him they are nothing more than strangers with a spiritual culture.

    Which at the first moment I felt his jump to attack me, I took out the bow and arrow and so fast he jumped so fast an arrow entered his head and he fell dead. You may feel the surprise from the na'vi but ignore it, continue walking through the forest in the direction of the tribe as if nothing had happened.
    Avatar: An Evolveable Avatar
    Movies · Pocketp
  • Pocketp
    Replied to UthredofBebbanburg

    understandable, the character is stupid, any suggestions to improve it, just clarify I'm new to this writing and well I have no idea how to write a story that's why I'm doing it. What I can see that you don't like is the reason why they tried to break the bones in a survival situation, but the idea that I tried to capture was that I was trying to understand his body to see how resistant it was and anyway one of his many abilities are super regeneration and he knew it (I think that ability did not explain it much)

    On my fourth day I observed more capacities of my bones that were basically perfect to keep me in this atmosphere with a durability superior to that of any living being on this planet or that's what I think, for the moment I haven't broken any of them, despite that I try by throwing myself from great heights.
    Avatar: An Evolveable Avatar
    Movies · Pocketp
  • Pocketp

    Es una historia con una calidad de escritura muy incoherente y mucho más porque usa el Google traductor, casi no actualiza, su desarrollo de la historia deja mucho a que desear, su personaje principal lo hizo muy dominado rápidamente por lo que casi no hay desarrollo de personaje y en cuanto al contexto general por lo menos sabe algo del lore de avatar

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    Movies · Pocketp
  • Pocketp
    Basically it was a being designed for the perfect hunt, best of all it consumed almost no energy, it was like being normal alone with the intense need for a lot of wild instincts.
    Avatar: An Evolveable Avatar
    Movies · Pocketp
  • Pocketp

    This is basically what I think of the trumpet and flute

    Therefore I began with the creation of air instruments such as flutes and a trumpet this time thinking about the properties offered by these types of wood and the most appropriate way I mastered both to surprising degrees in four days, curious fact a certain type of sound attracts some animals around me.
    Avatar: An Evolveable Avatar
    Movies · Pocketp
  • Pocketp

    This is basically what I think of guitar

    Therefore, I started voice classes for the basics, which was basically cheating with my body, being able to imitate all the sounds I wanted. Then I proceeded to improvise some string instruments based on wood and thin vines that I found around, stretching them enough to reach the tone that in my opinion was the most appropriate until I could create what in general culture was called a guitar, I got bored three days after mastering it.
    Avatar: An Evolveable Avatar
    Movies · Pocketp
  • Pocketp

    The design of the house

    After 15 long hours I was able to fully capture what I was looking for in a refuge, where the windows were basically a mixture of fabrics that according to dr. Grace are highly manipulable, transparent and once dry with the firmness of glass. For the glue different mosses with plants for a mixture with a strong adhesion, and the rest is the result of wood and a currently very worn knife.
    Avatar: An Evolveable Avatar
    Movies · Pocketp
  • Pocketp

    aqui decia cria y depues lo que muchos llamaria bebe

    The scientists in charge of my project realized that my brain would not be capable of everything so they created a section in my brain where they inserted an AI whose function is to provide me with information of my state and the different stimuli that may be happening around me along with a monotone voice, some scientists said it was just a parallel thought. All this while I was just a baby, what many would call a baby.
    Avatar: An Evolveable Avatar
    Movies · Pocketp
  • Pocketp

    This would be his na'vi version among his many abilities from different species he obtained the one to change form between the human and the na'vi the one on the cover would be the human this is the version mature, use your imagination for a smaller one and childish

    Ch 1 The beginning
    Avatar: An Evolveable Avatar
    Movies · Pocketp
  • Pocketp

    Que bendición una historia que se centra en ser héroe y no en un antihéroe o un villano, ya sea por condición o porque no tiene de otra pero no de mala manera o obligado sino porque no sabe qué más hacer

    Young Justice: Ghost
    Anime & Comics · Arokey
  • Pocketp

    Pues yo lo leo con google traductor asi que no sabria decir que tan bueno es la calidada de la escritura pero a lo que va la historia es buena con un comienzo bueno no le queria dar una oportunidad por que pense que hiba a ser un ff generico de teenwolf pero no tambien contiene series que conozco y que se me hacen entretenidas pór el momento para mi es una buena historia

    Teen Wolf: The Singer
    Movies · Fat_Cultivator
  • Pocketp

    10/10 con una calidad de escritura y trama excelente y un desarrollo de personaje aún más. Lo único que si me sorprendió fue el cambio de trama a fantasiosa con ángeles demonios y demás a una más normal (aunque sigue habiendo temas fantasiosos) pero fuera de eso esta interesante ya que es como si fuera una novela cualquiera pero con personajes que todos conocemos y de otros animes o mangas

    My Inner Voice Heard By Heroines
    Anime & Comics · DogLickerGods
  • Pocketp

    It is a very good story with at least character development, not doing it instantly op but with the possibility of being so and at a fair speed with which the plot is going to start

    An Extra's Life in DxD
    Anime & Comics · Tristan_Arkwright
  • Pocketp

    if i remember correctly kayden said 3 of the 10 best in the world

    Kayden: "I am quite injured guard after destroying that organization with some people from the top 100. This was my first fight against the top 100. I know from now on that you should not lower the fight at any time, you never know what the opponent's plan is."
    Eleceed: The Law of the Strongest
    Anime & Comics · WriterFan
  • Pocketp


    The Halberd of Berk
    Movies · Lord_Sadness