New author trying my luck and seeing if people will actually like my stories! :D
of reading
Read books
i know i don't HAVE too lol but its something I've wanted to do for a long time now. Plus it'll be cool to see my creations given form
im actually working with a local artist to have my cover work done and if its up to my standards i plan to put any money i earn from this and my patreon into creating illustrations of the dungeon floors, mobs, and characters.
but...but...I have the diabetes.....XD
thats what i was going for lol southern style bandits
now that the issues with webnovel have been resolved I'm going to try and get back onto a writing schedule. I plan to try and push out one to three chapters a week depending on my schedule since I now work second and third shift randomly. If your looking for more of my work though I moved my other novel Time of the Monster King over to royal road and it can be read for free.
I will actually begin writing here within the next few days. I had to take a hiatus due to some bugs with webnovel itself as well as multiple health issues but luckily everything has finally been resolved and I know exactly where this arc is going along with the next piece of Kyle's story
I'm on hiatus sadly because of webnovels contract policies. I can't in good conscience charge people for chapters when i'm not recieving any of the revenue that was helping me maintain a writing schedule. I should be starting up again though after the new year due to the policy changes that will let me fix the issues. Till then i'm back to 3 jobs and 90 hour work weeks lol
havent had to deal with that bug yet just the random balls ghosting through pals and unable to toggle off attacks lol loving it so far though
I'm actually in contact with a couple artists that are interested in coming up with floor designs, pictures of what the characters and monsters look like, and landscapes of the area's in the dungeon and world. It sadly takes time and I refuse to let someone put in that much work for free so its taking awhile to figure it out.
Squishy is gonna be fun when they finally appear lol.....your not quite there but not quite wrong either :D