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Will want shi tong give ryuk some of his feathers to weave in his hair to signify he blessed ryuk and it increases his base intelligence and friendship with him and it would be a cool look if he had spirit feathers in his dreadlocks!
won't katara or Topher wonder how he knows this?
thanks for the chapter! how does he prevent the bloodbending on his body to fly from stressing and breaking his veins and keep blood still flowing?
I never liked the white lotus as they were controversial and had little meaning in korra and were more forced religion.
how tall is ryuk?
why would finn agree to this? thanks for the chapter !
for now but eventually he'll surpass everyone.
thanks for the chapter! i hope the ocean spirit fuses with ryuk and the moon spirit with katara and they can be a water god couple. hope he learns spirit bending soon like in korra so his water can affect the spirit and attack the soul.
not to mention she is better with the softer side of child care and very motherly and has what he lacks .