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purple worm!! Oufff this one is a naughty one
So all this wait only to get a fade to black screen when it didn't seem like there would be censored content.... big disapointment hope he makes an extra chapter or we've been warned by this chapter that there will be no 18+ content
Goes with the saying that's mostly true : follow me I flee, flee me I follow
Any doom song
Shinigami cleanse souls and bleach cleanses fabrics, it has to do with cleansing as in Konsō. There is a dichotomy between white and black in Bleach with shinigami wearing black and Quincies and Arrancar and Aizen and his minions all wearing white, it is somehow related to that, to be the complementary color to the black that shinigami wear (the Shihakusho uniform of the Gotei 13). Ichigo Kurosaki’s naturally orange hair looks like it was bleached even though it is just that color naturally. Tite Kubo’s favorite album is Bleach by Nirvana and he named it after that Nirvana album. Thats what I found when I google it ✌
coming up next will be the master of time and space Yog-Sothoth
First time Rock lee is mentionned tought he didn't exist in this ff
The story is really great so far. A lot of gore but I won't complain. Only thing is that there is some MAJOR writing mistake really thats really hard to follow. He should really recheck his text for those mistakes. I think he suffer from dysphasia or dyslexic.Maybe write a warning about it??
I watched the series "Lie to me" and I can have a book on that and I can tell for sure that even tough it is not 100% accurate some sign never lies. Body language are hard to hide since most of them are made subconsciously without you knowing it.
It is the first time I cried reading a book just by the first chapters. I don't know how you did it but I got so well immersed in the character it made me cry.