

2020-07-19 JoinedGlobal

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  • blue_benjamin

    MC get hit with a dimensional reduction strike lol anime worlds are low dimensional how can they stump a traverser :)

    "Wait!" his eyes widened as he remembered something, "That box, was it not a delusion?"
    Naruto: Systematic Shinobi
    Anime & Comics · 0_Jordinio_0
  • blue_benjamin

    seems to be Xiaoyao but so many choses are just "Random" the author thinks with his pp one second then his brain twitches the other. I guess just writes chapter by chapter with no real layout idk so random still reading though

    Eastern · 双宝无邪
  • blue_benjamin

    Tao has 2 sides of Materialism and Idealism, Technology should belong to materialism and Extrodinary is Idealism and Science is the tao and the tao is science?

    Eastern · 双宝无邪
  • blue_benjamin

    How could a world evolved within the Chaos where the great way is located not be under control of the great way , the very rules laws and concepts you created the world with were evolved from the great way no?

    Eastern · 双宝无邪
  • blue_benjamin

    He could use the 3000 demon gods blood as a reference to split off or create more children that have unique effects and promote the prehistoric like a reincarntion tree, a imaginary number tree a so so helping optimize the prehistoric etc

    Eastern · 双宝无邪
  • blue_benjamin

    wow Mc's personality is pretty awesome he seem's to be a Great Dao type existence.

    "Great One, all Gods and Goddesses were born from your consciousness. It takes a part of Great One's memory to be created. This is why Great One doesn't remember. Originally Great One's last wish was to remain in the void, away from the chaos of the world. However, a newbie God born from man violated the agreement and invaded your personal space. He created Earth after the original planet was absorbed by Great One and shattered the privacy barrier created by Gaia and the first generation Gods. We are still looking for him but it is hard to track a God who isn't registered."
    Ball of Nothing
    Fantasy · Destiny_Aitsuji
  • blue_benjamin

    Sigh i only clicked on this novel because of the name otsutsuki and the picture of Indra yet this is a story of a Uchiha massacre plot. Are there any stories where Mc is actually an Otsutsuki from outside the sky where the actually act like an Otsutsuki and try to plant chakra seeds etc whether its shinobi world or not.

    Watching him calmly walk back without ninja techniques like itachi, I realized how much I didn't want to, I wasted my chance to have a family. That in a past life I could not save anyone from unexpected deaths. What's in this. This time i know about their incoming death's if i can get strong enough i can fix it. But for this there is so much to do and study, and there is so little time .. Putting my hand on my chest, I feel a weak response of emotion. Will I ever be able to call them my family or not? After all, my parent's in this life are not dead. Body's are berried, but soul's are immortal and i will revive them one day. But i need to know how to create new perfect body's and steal secret scroll with forbidding jutsu from hokage. Maybe i can use Orochimaru knowledge later.
    Heir of the otsutsuki
    Anime & Comics · Hellish_Rabbit
  • blue_benjamin

    Yes lets absorb energy from your baby cells ? is mc retarded

    A year has passed since my birth and now my body has grown stronger, I can think without fear of loss of consciousness, as well as crawl, which pretty much frightened my mother when she didn't find the child in my lullaby. And she almost raised the whole village with her angry scream. Since then I have had gigantic bars. I could not find a way to get out and start crawling again to get stronger and gain stamina. But I'm patient! I'll wait until I can get out of the nursery and take back control of my body. And now we have to try again to feel the chakra. Or maybe i need to wait until i will become older.. Anyway, what could go wrong?
    Heir of the otsutsuki
    Anime & Comics · Hellish_Rabbit
  • blue_benjamin

    I feel like most mc's are retarded they wish for a single bloodline aspect of the otsutsuki clan for example the sharingan of uchiha, bakugan of hyuga etc instead of just wishing to be a pureblood otsutsuki clan seems retarded

    My mother, a beautiful woman with deep brown hair and fascinating hazelnut eyes looked at me and smiled. "Look at my beautiful baby boy, Fuji. As we had already planned, if he came out a boy, I would name him. Homura. Homura Nakamura. "
    Simi realistic reincarnation into Naruto
    Action · Kyle80888
  • blue_benjamin

    If i made a hatsu id make it one that helps me evolve my life level like the ant queens consuming food takes the genes of it to evolve her offspring or meruems aura bs

    I also want it to be versatile but powerful at the same time. Just like Killua's God Speed or Hisoka's Bungee Gum.
    Hunter X Hunter: Grounded
    Anime & Comics · HolyJoker
  • blue_benjamin

    wtf is he researching all his life after coming from the dark continent instead of being stronger? its safe to assume the human expeditions ruined his life there why no desire to be stronger instead roundabout ways of letting humanity destroy itself pointless?

    Somewhat self-defeating when you think about his goals. But still, his pride far overpowered all of his thoughts.
    HxH: The Applications Of Nen
    Anime & Comics · VeganMaster
  • blue_benjamin

    at first i thought mc would be quite talented seeing as he was taught nen in the dark continent and survived there for hundreds of years , long enough for him not to know how old he is while being fed enough nitro rice to make him immortal. but he still was extremely over confident treating the chimera ants and humanity as Ant like existences when he himself almost died to them when they were just born and hes an old fossil.

    Or maybe I can take even more? My Nen did basically double in quantity. I could probably block a hit from the king if I focused all of that on defence... Maybe...
    HxH: The Applications Of Nen
    Anime & Comics · VeganMaster
  • blue_benjamin

    Mc's Pride makes no sense to me , He gets wrecked in a fight with meruem and even though he can kill him that doesnt change the fact about the fight itself yet meruem can die by the Bombs he makes. So in fact all of humanity who has those same bombs he makes can also kill him so what is his pride exactly?

    His ego was larger than anything else in that world, greatly overshadowing his curiosity too.
    HxH: The Applications Of Nen
    Anime & Comics · VeganMaster
  • blue_benjamin

    Sigh I really wish the mc didnt have the tag of Human and was really a being from the dark continent.

    And regret that he bared his fangs against the human race.
    HxH: The Applications Of Nen
    Anime & Comics · VeganMaster
  • blue_benjamin
    Replied to leo26

    shit he was probably cooling it with Ai , Brion , hell bell and them lol

    The rice that I ate daily for a few centuries was something the humans called 'Nitro Rice'. They also called it the ultimate secret to immortality.
    HxH: The Applications Of Nen
    Anime & Comics · VeganMaster
  • blue_benjamin

    compared to his explosion hatsu it seems very special imo

    But the Two-Star hunter had that handled. His Hatsu seems a bit intriguing, but not that special.
    HxH: The Applications Of Nen
    Anime & Comics · VeganMaster
  • blue_benjamin

    ... why not make a hatsu where you can evolve/grow with you like what kinda ability is explosions that self harm lol

    I made sure to close up any weakness I might've had. But not everything is perfect. Humans are flawed... And as much as I hate the notion, I cannot distance myself from this race, at least not genetically.
    HxH: The Applications Of Nen
    Anime & Comics · VeganMaster
  • blue_benjamin

    honestly non Growth/evolution type abilities seem trash/meaningless when you look at chimera ant queen and meruems ability for consuming into evolution or consuming into aura, basically anything that doesnt let you evolve past human limits is trash considering the dark continent

    My Hatsu, I call it 'Parasitic Explosion'. My Nen sticks and embeds into everything near me, turning anything into a bomb. There are restrictions, but I made sure to design them properly.
    HxH: The Applications Of Nen
    Anime & Comics · VeganMaster
  • blue_benjamin

    I originally thought that while Nen had way more potential than chakra I thought the people who use nen couldnt reach a life level as high as people who use chakra but now it seems Nen can even reach pseudo Daluo jinxian level power transcending Time/Space but not quite destiny yet so its not a reach daluo jinxian so far. but the life level isnt that high and is more live the life level of Cover the sky where the power reaches that level but the lifespan doesnt

    Ch 204 Perhaps Too Complicated?
    My Researching Journey (HxH)
    Anime & Comics · VQuintessence
  • blue_benjamin

    My man become a chaos demon god or what?

    Constant evolution as I assimilate more bloodlines and Auras so my blood has yet to stop changing as it actually started gaining a lighter shade seeming to head to a more grey-ish color or something similar."
    My Researching Journey (HxH)
    Anime & Comics · VQuintessence