A gift
You are going to read about a world totally different from ours but at the same time it's very much similar.
There are people who can use magic living with normal humans like us. There's discrimination as well.
But not what you are thinking,
humans are the one who are oppressed by the majority of magical beings.
They are being discriminated against for not having powers, for being weak.
There's a fucked up government here like ours too.
A grumpy teenage girl whose college life was pretty much simple,
(fighting with kids against the rules, getting detention every other day, yeh normal!)
until she starts discovering truths about her family's past and her hidden powers.
There's a new teacher who seems very suspicious to her.
She had to leave her friends and everything behind to run for her life.
The guy she used to have a crush on but never talked to came back in her life.
There's always so much more to whatever new thing she discovers.
The more you know.
There's drama, action, comedy, romance, thriller, everything you can ask for.
TaeleJindary · Teen