of reading
Read books
器灵 - tool/implement spiritthere's 2 terms btw. 仙器 Immortal Tool/Implement is the other one
idk what other novels use, but raw us literally "leave aperture" 出窍
大威天龙,世尊地藏,般若诸佛,般若巴麻空honestly idk how to translate this
楞伽经 - Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra (has a wikipedia page)
仙器 - immortal tool/implement/artefact
逐月式 - *chasing* moon style
炼气 - qi refining;筑基 - foundation building;金丹 - golden core;元婴 - nascent soul;出窍 - leave aperture (literal);分神 - divide spirit (literal);合体 - unite body (or just Fusion or Unity);渡劫 - crossing tribulation;大乘 - Mahayana (literally Great Vehicle; from Sanskrit)
magus is singular, needs plural <magi> in this sentence. Verb-object agreement compare "I wonder if there are [magician]/[magicians] here?"
the writing's pretty janky
... that's what the transation's for dumbass