of reading
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I hope not to have many misunderstandings/miscommunication
I am more of a person that would prefer when the main character defends against attacks especially when her past memories and the real-life actions of the antagonists coincide. I don’ t like when the main character lies about such serious accusations especially since she is in the past now so all the actions she knows will possibly happen have not happened yet. the antagonists are already evil just use their action in your favor but instead she lied about a very serious accusation in chap ter 13 very briefly.
The story is okay if you compare it to others with serious misunderstandings and multiple cliches that it gets tiring. BUT the female lead likes to drink A LOT and is some how unaware that her actions effect others around her. She has had multiple incidents in the past where she ends up in the police station but still thinks she can handle alcohol easily. Its almost as she is oblivious as to how much trouble she has put others and herself by drinking and it’s super IRRESPONSIBLE.
I only read up to chapter 9: I know this may be pretty common but it is a little tiring to read a story yet again about a guy that somehow is passionately in love with someone but somehow continuously (unconsciously/consciously) creates misunderstandings between the female lead. Yet again it is not difficult to wonder why the female lead disliked the male lead ( not including the the manipulation from others ) because he never really explains his actions and she really just fills in the blanks herself ( in the past and some moment in the present ) She is now fully in love with the male lead In the present from the beginning but from completely hating his guts to love is such a stretch even if he saved her in the past. Admiration or gratitude maybe more realistic emotions in my opinion. they do give some hint that someone she always cared but still not the best character development i guess. I think so far its not bad but not something i will continue to read. Hopefully for those who continue it gets better.
Sorry for the continuous typos
I am not continuing to read this story: 1) i have stopped reading at chapter 37 and so far the ML and FL relationship Is toxic. - the ML is Entitled and in some ways narcissistic. - the ML is some how oblivious that his childhood actions directly impacted the FL. - He mistreat the FL and continuously bullies her. - there is a Difference between teasing, flirting and bullying someone and in my opinion his actions are beyond teasing someone. His actions are borderline harassment. - Somehow he bullies the FL and in his mind it is twisted and skewed in a way were he thinks he is showing his affection. An example of this is in one if their childhood experiences were he burns and item. - He make her feel terrible but keeps his “love” hidden from her and only shares his pain to his childhood friends. The relationship is built on a series of misunderstandings on a ongoing basis which never really seems like it well end soon.
Thanks for the warning