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Disappointing, Everytime I gain hope in webnovel talent I lose it in time
But that's the thing. This isn't reality, it's a book. I can't see what's going on, I can't hear what's going on. I can only read. That's why I need to know how their death was like, what was going on in their mind and only person capable of doing that is the author because it's only him/her/etc that's knows how it was like in their head/imagination. Let me give you an example, If you watched harry potter. Imagine when Draco killed Dumbledore we didn't see any expression from neither draco nor Dumbledore nor Snape nor Harry. Imagine if it was just a cutscene and next thing Dumbledore is dead. It would have been sooo terrible 😂
This is a story. Which story or film or anime have you seen where the MC or someone relating to the MC die without any reaction from anyone. They'd always have a dying thought especially in books because we can't see what's going on unlike in comics or movies. So it's not whining, I would rather call it bad writing but who am I to judge🤷🏾♂️. I've personally lost interest in the fic
That's life, I agree But this is a book, A fictional one not real life mate . That's the difference
I'm honestly just disappointed in author and myself for wasting time
Wow so you killed them off just like that. What a waste of good developed characters Like why waste so much building for magik, Change John's personality and interfere with his fate just to kill them off like dogs on the side of the street. You didn't even give them a chance to react or even a pov of their death and how they felt. They just simply died, You literally wasted me time with them. Why let me get attached if you knew that they'll be killed like trash. Why make them seem important when truthfully they are not at all. Especially Magik, You built her up since chapter 1 and killed her off just like that
Beautiful writing style Quality Background Building Wonderful Development but that is trash now It's too slow. I've got no qualms with slow novel but this is unnecessarily slow. The fanfic had so much forward momentum, so much drive and fore building but everything got fucked up and became snail paced slow purposely. Now MC is doing some pig eating tiger shit that truthfully is just annoying It would have been better if the MC reincarnated into an OC already in prison than for him to be imprisoned for such a stupid reason and for so god-damned long. Like if they imprisoned him for so long over a stupid reason. I wonder how long author thinks that they imprison their actual criminals Another thing is the unnecessary edge. It would have been better if we had an original hold of his character before the imprisonment but we only got like 2 chapters while the rest is just edge lord at it's finest.
Okay first of all. There's no plot. Author decided in his/her/they/whatever infinite wisdom to not put any description, prologue or anything. So if you're planning on reading it just know that you're going in dark. That's one of the reasons I gave it a one star In story development Another reason is that,This fanfic seems to be based on Greek mythos with Hades possibly as the mc (The reason I say possibly is that Hades has the most pov's. But there's nothing else really defining him as an MC). So it's based on Greek mythos but it doesn't stray away too much from the original story that much or any iterations (other fanfics, etc) of it. Overall, There's no defining feature of this novel to keep anyone going except for the writing style that's very clean actually.