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we should retreat at 17 and below. With 7 above the unconsciousness threashold we should be able to tank any damage we sustain during a retreat. We can always launch a second assault
Solar furnace and shadow kissed are our most important skills right now. Solar furnace quadruples the time we can survive without water (and food) AND shields us from the desert sun (which in itself also increases the time we can survive without water). It’s the perfect skill for surviving in the desert. However, it doesn’t work outside the sun. Shadow kissed is a stealth skill, allowing us to completely avoid combat, infiltrate places and if we ever have to escape from somewhere, it will be very useful as well. However, it doesn’t work in the sun. Now, I wonder what will happen if we fuse them? This would be a very risky move, as we have no control about what kind of skill we’ll get. It could be one that gives us all the advantages of the two separate skills, it could only give us one (although probably in a more effective way) or it could be something different entirely. I’d say, put it up to a vote. Also, another risky thing we could try would be buying the sand bending bonus trait and fusing it with air bending.
Oh damn, good luck!
what skills do we have right now?
Hide. It's dark. We specifically have a skill for that. Attack them if you must, but at least make it an ambush.
perhaps certain methods of training should be more likely to succeed.
Yup. Let's get out of here. No need to rush though, Sal has yet to be fully harvested.
5 will suffice for now. Do not underestimate the importance of a means of quick transportation in the desert. Especially one that doesn't rely on Sal's own stamina.
Alright, let's see how things turn out then.