

2020-06-19 JoinedUnited States



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  • Rulerofruins
    Replied to DaoistXHoKH4

    Yeah, I'm a huge fan of Kamen Rider!

    Ch 45 Versus Up
    In A Noble Magic Academy, The Only Spell I Know Is Scan
    Fantasy · Rulerofruins
  • Rulerofruins

    If you looked at this story and thought: “Wow, this story seems interesting” instead of “Wow, scan is already a pretty overpowered spell. Why would I want to read a series where the main character starts out explicitly broken” then...I don’t know what to tell you. If you’re looking for intelligent fights, you’re not going to find them here. You’d be lucky to find any intelligence here. Despite how much this story tries to pretend like it knows anything or has anything to say. To be fair, it’s been 100+ chapters and the main character is still not god-tier broken like most isekais but then you really have to ask yourself which is worse: Having a god level protagonist breezing through encounters or a “normal” human with no powers still somehow beating what should really be impossible fights for him to win for no good reason. I mean this guy’s beaten a decorated military zombie general. And a demon. And then he’s also just straight up okay with murder. I really don’t know what this author’s trying to do with this character aside from wish fulfillment. Don’t even get me started on the other characters. Like, have you ever seen a piece of old technology, like an iron lung, and thought to yourself, “Wow. That looks like it would suck. Glad we’ve moved on to bigger and better things so we never have to use this again.” This guy straight up pulled a Helen of Troy with his female lead. Most beautiful girl in the world that can start wars off her simps alone. Here we are in modern day with characters that people can write essays about and this guy is back in actual ancient Greece putting leeches on paper cuts. Now you might be thinking “We have characters that are like the most beautiful girls in their school so what’s the difference?” The difference is that nobody cares about what some horny hair growing teens thinks is the hottest in their little school. This chick is has stalkers and fanclubs off nothing but the writer’s word of “Trust me dude, she’s hot.” Okay so the characters are piddling. What about the rest of the story? Anything good there? Well there’s some attempt to emulate H.P Lovecraft and his eldritch creations but if this guy can’t write understandable characters, do you really think he’ll be able to write impossible to understand inhuman gods? They’re like baby’s first horror monsters, I don’t think you’ll be scared of anything this story has to offer. Except for the fight scenes. They’re so long and boring. I’m gonna be honest, I kind of tune off the story when he starts writing about how the swords are positioned and where they’re swinging from and how they’re moving around. You hear about how people put too much details in their stories sometimes and it’s usually stuff like background details or a character’s inner thoughts? Well imagine the opposite where we get a basic description of the background and sometimes we delve into a character’s thoughts but then we go straight into a page or two of people swinging weapons in a scene that most scripts would gloss over with an “--Action Scene here--”. And if you think the scan spell would be a nice novelty to read for a few chapters, it really doesn’t show up that much. For one, the eldritch gods can’t be scanned so whenever they’re on scene the only thing the main character can do is pointless. For another, the writer attempts to give us concrete stats but it’s really so badly balanced that the writer just kind gave up at some point and just tells us “We scanned him, don’t worry.” But honestly, the namesake spell doesn’t even show up that much in the modern chapters. So like, they’re cutting some of the fat off on their writing but they’re also cutting off the main point of their story so what’s even the point anymore? Also has anyone figured out what’s going on with the chapter titles? I mean I’m not saying one or two word chapter titles are bad per say but when the chapter titles are at best tangentially relevant to the chapter, what are you doing? That’s if you’re lucky, sometimes the chapter titles doesn’t even make sense. So yeah, it’s a surprise this story has any fans at all. I have to wonder what other people see in this poorly written mess of a story and how long this circus is going to last. It’s already passed 100 chapters by some miracle, I can’t imagine the author has much left to write about. He hasn’t written anything of substance so far so I can only assume he’s winging it or playing some 5d chess that will pay off someday in the far future. I doubt it though. Also, April Fools.

    In A Noble Magic Academy, The Only Spell I Know Is Scan
    Fantasy · Rulerofruins