Moved to fanfic section
This story will involve mainly two main characters: Coal (a person infected by Purplelight) and Osten (a person infected by Blacklight). While both Blacklight and Blackwatch will be present, i have aslo made two new Virus (Greenlight and Purplelight) both with different attributes.
*Disclaimer*: i own nothing belonging to prototype (Blackwatch, Blacklight, ect...), what i do "own" (i guess) is the other Viruses and the monster designs i will be making later in the story (not that i really care, i just wanted to clarify). Thats about it.
ps: I will not be using characters from prototype, instead i will be making my own characters. Having said that if i do accidentally use what seems like one it is purely coincidental.
pps: this was ment as a fanfic, this will not impact the quality of course. To that end, none of yhe chapters will be locked.
aihg · Sci-fi