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  • Iamxourtingdeath
    Replied to Mr_Cuak

    Bro that's for way later. If he really becomes Kryptonian its way too op

    Ch 19 Let us play a game, Terumi Mei (Part 1)
    Naruto: Danzo makes a late comeback
    Anime & Comics · Iamxourtingdeath
  • Iamxourtingdeath
    Replied to GodOfLight

    He hasnt chosen anything yet and as written in the chapter he can Upgrade hashirama cells to a true Sage Body. Besides Danzo already has an op spaceportal and elementalisation, so there is no need for Kamui at all.

    Ch 17 Obito: I'm too miserable...
    Naruto: Danzo makes a late comeback
    Anime & Comics · Iamxourtingdeath
  • Iamxourtingdeath
    Replied to The_GrandMagus

    Raikage is dead bro haha. Killer B the best subsitute Raikage is also dead. There is really no one worthy of being impersonated in Kumogakure left.

    - which character he should play next
    Naruto: Danzo makes a late comeback
    Anime & Comics · Iamxourtingdeath
  • Iamxourtingdeath
    Replied to Mr_Cuak

    Sacred Gears are a very interesting suggestion. I was wondering what I should put on the weekly list next, now I know. But I will only give the core elite members one, because sacred gears are too strong for ordinary troops. Thanks!

    Ch 16 System Upgrade
    Naruto: Danzo makes a late comeback
    Anime & Comics · Iamxourtingdeath
  • Iamxourtingdeath
    Replied to Exi_Nexi

    True, that boy dead

    If nothing else, Obito will enjoy at least a few years of loneliness and pain, unless he kills himself.
    Naruto: Danzo makes a late comeback
    Anime & Comics · Iamxourtingdeath
  • Iamxourtingdeath
    Replied to Mr_Cuak

    Steroid-Monster Danzo

    Ch 16 System Upgrade
    Naruto: Danzo makes a late comeback
    Anime & Comics · Iamxourtingdeath
  • Iamxourtingdeath
    Replied to Mr_Cuak

    Yeah, I was thinking of a core Elite Team consisting of like 10 members with devil fruit and Mark 7 Armor for the weaker guys. Maybe High-Tech Gear like Laserswords too. And some bio-troops with special viruses from Aburame and T-Virus. They can also have Laser-guns. But the troops in my mind are not that large Maybe 200-300 but all modified Monsters. And Danzo is going the physique road anyway. thanks for your suggestions

    Ch 16 System Upgrade
    Naruto: Danzo makes a late comeback
    Anime & Comics · Iamxourtingdeath
  • Iamxourtingdeath
    Replied to Trollface

    How can you compare Magma fruit with Lava style? They are not comparable at all. Or do you think every Ice-style ninja can compare with Aokiji who can freeze kilometers in a instant

    Ch 8 No prisoners (part one)
    Naruto: Danzo makes a late comeback
    Anime & Comics · Iamxourtingdeath
  • Iamxourtingdeath
    Replied to AugustusLurie

    You're right, I forgot lol

    Becoming Hokage was the goal of the old Danzo, now his goal is to travel to the universe and understand the different civilisations, powers and technologies that exist.
    Naruto: Danzo makes a late comeback
    Anime & Comics · Iamxourtingdeath
  • Iamxourtingdeath
    Replied to AugustusLurie

    I don't remember promising something like that at all

    Becoming Hokage was the goal of the old Danzo, now his goal is to travel to the universe and understand the different civilisations, powers and technologies that exist.
    Naruto: Danzo makes a late comeback
    Anime & Comics · Iamxourtingdeath
  • Iamxourtingdeath
    Replied to OVERLORDZERRO

    No bro, Obito is done. He will only suffer more

    Ch 14 Obito's breakdown
    Naruto: Danzo makes a late comeback
    Anime & Comics · Iamxourtingdeath
  • Iamxourtingdeath
    Replied to AugustusLurie

    Where is it a harem? What do you mean no ambitions? I have never written romance in my novels and I don't plan to do it now, so where does Harem come from? And he wants to build his roots to be stronger than Konoha, so does he have no ambitions? Dude you make no sense

    Becoming Hokage was the goal of the old Danzo, now his goal is to travel to the universe and understand the different civilisations, powers and technologies that exist.
    Naruto: Danzo makes a late comeback
    Anime & Comics · Iamxourtingdeath
  • Iamxourtingdeath
    Replied to TheOnlyKing

    Actually I do have a lot of ideas and the thing with spacetravel is for much later in the Story. Tbh I don't believe I will even continue writing this story until then

    Maybe he could find other planets and these planets would be world like One Piece, you can think of the rest. Just tell me your opinions.
    Naruto: Danzo makes a late comeback
    Anime & Comics · Iamxourtingdeath
  • Iamxourtingdeath
    Replied to TheOnlyKing

    No it's a serious fic with some comedy. I was just illustrating that Danzo does not need to listen to Tsunade and Tsunade can not order Danzo

    So wouldn't it be better if he just keeps his Roots and recruits the powerful members of Konoha he wants and does what he wants in the ninja world?
    Naruto: Danzo makes a late comeback
    Anime & Comics · Iamxourtingdeath
  • Iamxourtingdeath
    Replied to Anonny_Anonymous

    But what if the Root is a Elite Team that is so strong that Konoha needs to fear and rely on it? Ofc he won't listen to any orders, it will be the other way around, he will order the hokage around. and the main thing is that I personally don't want to write kingdom building stuff, even if its just a little

    Ch 10 Return to Konoha
    Naruto: Danzo makes a late comeback
    Anime & Comics · Iamxourtingdeath
  • Iamxourtingdeath
    Replied to Mr_Cuak

    Okay don't think too much. I don't intend to have tsunade and danzo have such a relationship. It will be more like: Tsunade: Jiraiya is investigating Akatsuki, please help. Danzo: No

    So wouldn't it be better if he just keeps his Roots and recruits the powerful members of Konoha he wants and does what he wants in the ninja world?
    Naruto: Danzo makes a late comeback
    Anime & Comics · Iamxourtingdeath
  • Iamxourtingdeath
    Replied to Mr_Cuak

    I had more in mind that Danzos root eventually becomes so strong, that the Hokage (Tsunade) always has to ask for his opinion and help for everything. Out of fear, or lack of combat power she has to beg Danzo for help everytime. that's pretty funny I think

    So wouldn't it be better if he just keeps his Roots and recruits the powerful members of Konoha he wants and does what he wants in the ninja world?
    Naruto: Danzo makes a late comeback
    Anime & Comics · Iamxourtingdeath
  • Iamxourtingdeath
    Replied to Mr_Cuak

    Na I mean, he starts of with Part of the powers like heat rays and then eventually evolves into the full level homelander. Full Level Homelander should be able to crush those otsutsuki, right?

    Ch 10 Return to Konoha
    Naruto: Danzo makes a late comeback
    Anime & Comics · Iamxourtingdeath
  • Iamxourtingdeath
    Replied to SpoiledSecrets

    storms can be natural. This weakness is not a big deal, but its better if there is no weakness at all

    - Fuwa fuwa no mi (no weaknesses)
    Naruto: Danzo makes a late comeback
    Anime & Comics · Iamxourtingdeath
  • Iamxourtingdeath
    Replied to skidmark

    But fuwa fuwa no mi also has the weakness that it becomes uncontrollable during storms

    - Fuwa fuwa no mi (no weaknesses)
    Naruto: Danzo makes a late comeback
    Anime & Comics · Iamxourtingdeath