

2020-06-16 JoinedUnited States

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  • LunarWolf_Pack

    Hmm. I got Sophia side but we need Sicada to figure out her side. Maria was her daughter as well even after disowning her own blood. What if Sophia got Maria killed and that's why Sicada disowned her! I need the other piece to this puzzle. One thing is for certain, Maria and Sophia must be sibling or really close.

    Despite my body being ravished by my hungry prince, my mind felt heavy from Tara's words. Papandreou was her father and Sophia her mother... Did papa know of his real daughter? Did papa believe that I was Sophia's daughter? How did papa mistake my mother for Sophia? As my body burst with pleasure a sudden thought came to me. Did papa come here with Sophia and not with my mother? Could that be who Gabriella turned away and if so why would she think Sophia was Maria?
    Seraphina [The Lost Queen Series: Book 1]
    History · KawaiiDemon012
  • LunarWolf_Pack

    🤣 Tara called her out

    "No... Mum refused to speak about her as it brought back terrible memories from tutoring in Theron... It always confused me as to why it hurt her to think about her home land. Then I heard the pope this morning shouting about another treacherous witch residing within the castle... I know he considered my mother a traitor though she did nothing wrong in her life that I've seen. I'm guessing he was refurin to you m'lady as well but I don't understand why... All I've seen you do is walk around bare within a room but that's no crime since its within your private dwellings."
    Seraphina [The Lost Queen Series: Book 1]
    History · KawaiiDemon012
  • LunarWolf_Pack

    Huh??? Wait does that mean that Sicada disowned Sophia??? Who is Maria then???

    "My mother... Before I was born my grandmother disowned my mum as her child due to my father being a commoner... I never got to meet either  of them after my mum moved here to find work. She was still looked upon as a master and tutored Prince Caspian when he was young..."
    Seraphina [The Lost Queen Series: Book 1]
    History · KawaiiDemon012
  • LunarWolf_Pack

    WHAT?????? Wait did papa grab the wrong baby????

    Seraphina [The Lost Queen Series: Book 1]
    History · KawaiiDemon012
  • LunarWolf_Pack

    ....Umm what? That's not the same woman that Seraphina thought was her mother right?

    "Take a deep breath. You don't have to explain further. I can see how much it ails you...", I gently squeezed her hands as she took a few deep breaths. "What is your mother's name?" If this woman did talk with the pope and it caused her death then I'd like to know what happened. "Her name was Sophia..." For a moment my heart stopped then I remembered that my mother is Maria. "And your father?"
    Seraphina [The Lost Queen Series: Book 1]
    History · KawaiiDemon012
  • LunarWolf_Pack

    Now why would a woman fear the pope? I think something shady is going on

    Tara spoke softly with a look of shame on her face. "I-I'm sorry m'lady! When I saw you layin like that it reminded me of me mother...", she sniffled as I reached out to her again. This time she didn't flinch, instead she rest her head on my shoulder. "M-my mother always seemed h-happy... Then one day she received a visit from the pope... I remember her lookin very pale and fearful after words but mother claimed to be fine. I was fixin supper for me and my siblins when I realized that she hadn't gotten out of the tub yet..." Tara stopped talking and pulled away quickly with a pale look.
    Seraphina [The Lost Queen Series: Book 1]
    History · KawaiiDemon012
  • LunarWolf_Pack

    This seems important 🧐 hmm

    "S-s-she... I-I thought that she had...", Tara stammered as her voice shook uncontrollably. I reached out to her but she flinched away from me. It hurt to see her acting this way but a sudden realization hit me. "You thought that I had drowned...", my voice was full of certainty as I stared at her. "I'm sorry for scaring you like that. That's how I wash my hair in a confined space." That wasn't a lie nor was it the truth. My intention wasn't to die but to relax in the water, though it probably didn't appear like it to her...
    Seraphina [The Lost Queen Series: Book 1]
    History · KawaiiDemon012
  • LunarWolf_Pack


    "You have 3 holes. Your pretty mouth, tight bottom, and the glory hole. Now the painless one would be your mouth since you can take as much of me as you'd like. Your bottom would be the most painful since it's not meant to be filled with a monster like mine. You could have the best of both with the glory hole which will give you a child as well... The choice is yours my dear."
    Seraphina [The Lost Queen Series: Book 1]
    History · KawaiiDemon012
  • LunarWolf_Pack

    😶 did she really just-

    "I wouldn't expect anything less. I'd rather you take your anger out on me than an innocent person just doing their tasks. If anything it's my job as your fiancé to help you with any problems...", slowly I sat on my legs as Caspian stalked towards me. My heart pounded in my chest as he slowly took off his belt and pants tossed it before me.
    Seraphina [The Lost Queen Series: Book 1]
    History · KawaiiDemon012
  • LunarWolf_Pack

    😂 wow the pope is bout to get popped. I'm sad that Snape managed to become the prince 😥 Theron is truly about to crumble with those two ruling over it.

    "Royal?! That's impossible!!! The Kingdom of Theron doesn't have a princess! Only a prince!", the pope spoke defiantly as anger simmered beneath the surface. "That king may be a fool but he wouldn't allow her to leave his kingdom without crowning her first! Unless she is the one wanted for a serious crime against him! Caspian-", before the pope could finish speaking he received a hard smack to his left cheek. It seemed pretty hard but I watched in awe as the pope was sent flying into the doorway as a tooth remained where he once stood. It took him a few moments to sit up but once he did blood coated his mouth and double chin.
    Seraphina [The Lost Queen Series: Book 1]
    History · KawaiiDemon012
  • LunarWolf_Pack

    🧐 I dare say that this lady had been played

    "I've missed this sight. Sadly I won't get to savor it for long...", Caspian pulled my hair roughly towards the door as his hand pulled my waist up. I felt like a town mutt as he refused to do anything else. We stayed like this for endless moments until loud footsteps echoed from outside the door. "It's about time... Stay quiet now...", Caspian smacked my bottom hard as a startled yelp left my lips. He chuckled before letting my hair go.
    Seraphina [The Lost Queen Series: Book 1]
    History · KawaiiDemon012
  • LunarWolf_Pack

    😂 man said the time for talking has long passed

    "C-can't we talk about this?!", I panted slightly as the tingles spread like a fire to my core. An odd sound filled my ears as I recognized it to be my own. Never had I made such a sound of pure lust in my life and yet the sound made the fire grow even more. "C-caspian...", panting heavily, I tried to soften my cries with the bedding. As my shirt was ripped off I managed to roll onto my stomach. It didn't help... Caspian quickly tugged my pants off, leaving me bare on the bed.
    Seraphina [The Lost Queen Series: Book 1]
    History · KawaiiDemon012
  • LunarWolf_Pack

    😶 I see something spicy up ahead. children cover your eyes 😂

    "Explicitly Mature, Naked and Fun"
    Seraphina [The Lost Queen Series: Book 1]
    History · KawaiiDemon012
  • LunarWolf_Pack

    resurrection team your needed now

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    Seraphina [The Lost Queen Series: Book 1]
    History · KawaiiDemon012
  • LunarWolf_Pack

    man really was shocked that she noticed his blind spot

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    Seraphina [The Lost Queen Series: Book 1]
    History · KawaiiDemon012
  • LunarWolf_Pack

    evasive maneuver activated

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Seraphina [The Lost Queen Series: Book 1]
    History · KawaiiDemon012
  • LunarWolf_Pack

    ight I'm ready for the special move

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    Seraphina [The Lost Queen Series: Book 1]
    History · KawaiiDemon012
  • LunarWolf_Pack

    welp I told him to sit this out...

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Seraphina [The Lost Queen Series: Book 1]
    History · KawaiiDemon012
  • LunarWolf_Pack

    😶 snape you might wanna sit this out... she got an SAO vibe activated

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    Seraphina [The Lost Queen Series: Book 1]
    History · KawaiiDemon012
  • LunarWolf_Pack

    I mean both worlds suck but she seems to have it harder because of all the mistreatment

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Seraphina [The Lost Queen Series: Book 1]
    History · KawaiiDemon012