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Bro I will never forgive the author for killing off Abbadon like this. Like why did he even need to die? Author never wants us to have any good side characters. I am so conflicted man, such a bitter ending. I know this book is objectively good but I just can’t like shangs character and the choices he made.
Why doesn’t the author talk about the warriors what happened with them?
Your review seems to be overwhelmingly positive I can’t find any criticisms. So why did you only give it 2.5 stars?
When did Gerald become a mage Lord? Or do you mean his son? Anyways the fire mage was more talented then agon and Gerald’s son so it doesn’t make sense that he would die of old age. I think author might have forgotten him because he deserves to atleast get a sentence or two on what happened to him.
That’s not what am asking. Am wondering what happened to the fire mage that was reincarnated from earth like Shang
This novel is one of the best I have ever read. It’s hard finding amazing novels like this in this site. The MC’s character developement is perfectly executed. You might hate or love him but it’s amazing to see that he is not some self insert bland MC but a character with a real personality that not everyone will like. I personall don’t like his personality but I can recognise he is an amazing character. Writing Quality and updating stability is perfect. Tbh everything about this novel is amazing I can tell the Author refined his craft. The only reason why it’ not 5 stars is becuase I feel like the writer has focused too much on just the MC and is not talking or even showing us some other Amazing characters. This novel is great but it has the potential to be a masterpiece I just feel like the writer has neglected the side characters. The Author could use the whole reincarnation system to introduce amazing characters like the fire mage and George (genuis revolutionaries in their own regard). Also he could use the reincarnation thing to introduce characters that are reviving other paths. I would be interested in seeing how the other paths fight and interact with the mage path. And he could have used other characters in order to explore more of the world and we would see a different perspective of the world. The MC is great but his personality limits our exploration of the world becuase he doesn’t care about anything but power so all he does is just stay secluded and train. All in all this book is an amazing read and I recomend it to everyone who appreciates good writing.
Will the fights and action be good?
Hi Author, what happened to the fire Mage the one that was sent from earth like shang we haven’t heard from him in a while. Is he still relevant is he dead, did I miss it? I hope you didn’t just forget about him. Also are there people still being sent from earth to recover the other paths? I hope you atleast give us a note letting us know what happened.
But she has no chest?(breasts)
Hi author in your novel picture who is the girl and who is the guy? I only see feminine looking guys