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Great read. Author has definitely put a lot of thought into how their story is developing, one of the few good examples of adaptation powers used in fanfiction in my opinion. Looking forward to seeing how this story develops.
That’s not true. The Laplace Factor is basically how similar you are to Demon God Laplace, with whoever is the most similar allowing him to reincarnate. Rudeus, who doesn’t have Touki, has a high Laplace factor that means he has a huge amount of magical potential, however Rudeus also has another aspect that means he doesn’t have Touki because Laplace didn’t either. Seighart, Rudeus’s son, also has a Laplace factor. However his Laplace factor makes his body stronger, while also allowing him to use Touki. If Rudeus was lucky he could have gotten the increased magical potential from the Laplace factor without getting the lack of Touki, but this is a problem limited to very few people. Most people don’t mix between swordsmanship and magic because of lack of talent and the time it take to become good at both paths.
How tall is the Baelon right now? I am imagining him around the 6 ft range.
Also the Altmer mages that are hinted to be even older than Divayth Fyr in the Summerset Isles
Cliché chapter, disappointing
Can he learn the physics around a power to be able to block it, like Accelerator did vs Kakine?
Gilgamesh can see the past, present, and future with his eyes. The name of the ability is called Sha Naqba Imuru. They can discern heavily concealed truths with a single glance, from that of the opponent's True Name and Noble Phantasms to possibly even seeing through a piece of the truth of the demise of human history in Fate/Grand Order. He is also able to see all possibilities from different parallel worlds. These abilities don’t use the stars to work, just uses his eyes. Uses quotes from the wiki.
While it is true Gilgamesh is master of reading people, he can also see the future
Should have had him win this one, so the other losses would be so disheartening for the audience