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  • Extra281

    I want to skip to the day where Rain realizes Sunny cant lie and then proceeds to lose it lol

    After a while, Rain had stopped asking questions. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Extra281

    Rain awakening naturally through Sunny's guidance is soooo much cooler than through the Spell. Thanks G3

    Ch 1624 Crazy Girl
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Extra281

    okay i love this, but sunny interacting with people while wearing the weavers mask is going to get old real quick. Reversing his words to get the truth every single time will get tiresome.... so I think G3 will have sunny take off his mask at some point while around others or just focus on all 3 active incarnations evenly to help

    As he was thinking about that, Nephis stared into the darkness for a few moments, and then nodded decisively.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Extra281

    I had the same thought. I bet she awakened herself on purpose

    Thankfully, his other two avatars were busy at the moment, as well, increasing the load on his consciousness. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Extra281

    Honestly, this was the smartest thing G3 could have done after the end of volume 7. The core of the book lost just as much as Sunny when he became fateless. I knew with everything Sunny was armed with until now he would be able to pull through and use his own abilities to create a facsimile of what the Spell used to provide. But that would take too long. now we skipped to the time period where Sunny and the core of the story have reached a stable place, dulling the shock of what was lost. And now I find myself being super excited to see how Sunny got where he is and where he is heading. Thanks for a great opening G3!

    Well, anyway. That was for his third avatar to worry about. This Sunny had nothing to do with it.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Extra281

    My news thoughts are if Sunny is free from the Spell what happens now? If the Nightmare trials are truly a product of the Spell, then Sunnt just got kicked out before receiving his rewards i.e. having his seal on his soul unlocked so he can transcend. Plus he got kicked out before the Spell officially sent him out. If he truly got kicked from the Spell then he might be stuck some weird limbo and can no longer ascend like the others. I'm thinking tho G3 gave sunny Soul Weave for this reason. It has mystical qualities like the other weaves so it can help Sunny traverse his own soul better than anyone else. Aiding him in unlocking his own seals without the help of the spell

    …And then, he was expelled from that darkness.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Extra281
    Replied to Timo_G

    well he would lose them if they were actually echos. They are instead shadows stored in his shadow cores, apart of his soul. it's like how his aspect cant be lost. at least thats what I think...

    …And then, he was expelled from that darkness.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Extra281

    Wow. What a great chapter. I'm afraid though we now know the cost of Sunny being free from fate. The Weaver created the Nightmare Spell by weaving the golden threads of fate itself. With Sunnys threads ripped away, I'm pretty sure he is not only free of fate but also free of the Nightmare Spell. Being free of the Spell is a good thing... but only if it's down the road. Sunny possibly just lost the fast track to ascension, memories, and his legacy. If thats the case Sunny has alot to figure out and alot to recover. At least Sunny is a competent sorcerer now. There might be a way to retrieve his memories or at least make new ones stored with himself and not the Spell

    …And then, he was expelled from that darkness.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Extra281
    Replied to gilbert_blakely

    idk how it works exactly, but the mirror makes him immune to defilement and he can't get infected while having it in effect. only after it's gone can get get defiled if he hears the "truth". Keep in mind we don't know what the "truth" is so it might not even be words he can remember once the mirror stops working. aka our boy should be fine with the right timing

    "The Mad Prince had entered the Estuary in search of his freedom, but failed to resist the Defilement and became Corrupted instead. Thus, the endless cycles continued. This cycle, though, was engineered by Torment and him specifically to make sure that all members of the cohort survive. Whether you find the Estuary or not, there are mere days left before Nephis storms Verge and kills the First Seeker. The end… is already inevitable."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Extra281

    The question is what does the Mad Prince mean with his warning "be careful of what you wish for"? He can't be alluding to his future defliement because he now has the Mirror of Truth. Instead, he must be referring to the consequences of being fateless. He probably knew of the machinations of Cassie and predicted the situation Sunny is currently in. He left behind for him the Key to the Estuary to allow easy access and restrict his past defilement. He then left behind the warning to tell Sunny he could lose something important through his wish to be free. That important thing has to be his fate with Nephis. She wont get killed by the cohort since none of them will get defiled, so the only thing in danger is his fate with her. Idk how it will get done, but in my mind the Mad Prince wants Sunny to go into the Estuary to break his chains of fate from everything but Nephis. Maybe he can remove his Shadow Bond, but not cut off fate completely with her. Who knows

    "The Mad Prince had entered the Estuary in search of his freedom, but failed to resist the Defilement and became Corrupted instead. Thus, the endless cycles continued. This cycle, though, was engineered by Torment and him specifically to make sure that all members of the cohort survive. Whether you find the Estuary or not, there are mere days left before Nephis storms Verge and kills the First Seeker. The end… is already inevitable."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Extra281

    Hope: "We are their flaws"

    "I mean just that. My Flaw is not here, in the Nightmare. I didn't bring it along… it would be quite foolish to carry something that dangerous around, wouldn't it?"
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Extra281

    I would give this novel 0 stars if I could. I just finished chapter 34 and it's clear this book plagiarized alot of ideas from the novel "The Authors POV" and a cool key idea/power for the MC that's in the novel "The Beginning After The End." If you like the first few chapters of this novel, stop wasting your time here and read the mentioned novels above

    The Extra's Odyssey
    Fantasy · Ryukurou