Fuck the world Fuck the world...
of reading
Read books
he is lol
Should have made the Emperor a bit mysterious by not revealing his thoughts as openly... now his character lost a lot of effect
A Shoka... hmm.. never really though of that
I hate debuffs..ugh
second choice is for smart author who can write political and cunning plots first choice is for average author, just building from the scrath as it doesn't need as much brain power
lol you mentioned the word 4 times in just a small para graph😂
sorry... I'm in my engineering 6th semister... next year, I will have placements, so I can't waste my time
he failed )
bullshit.. Atleast other MC's in other novels have powerful mortal enemies or something so they avoid showing off.. but y the fk r u made to be low-key? confidentiality agreement? don't bullshit with me. There r S-level talents right? , if SS-level is so legendary overpowered, then just hide the fact act like its just S grade or even A grade something...... all the bullshit is just asking to be looked down, fking cliche plot