Born in wrong world......waiting for transmigration
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30 chapter well written and worth reading give it a shot guys!@
who wouldnt't want to watch a free show? specially with how many seals around fujin's house! i can see whole konoha enjoying the scene 😂
spoiler at your own risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . foltest king of vizima send Geralt to forest of brookilon to negotiate with druids and that's where ciri meets Geralt for the first time and ciri was 9 at that time ciri was 11 by the time cintra got invaded and 11 and half or 12 when she goes to kaen morhen... and blah blah
ah want spoilers? I can spoil it for you 😁
author Kun what happened to rest of the previous chapters? they aren't available anymore!
another headache for shikaku incoming!
bro wants to destroy the whole training ground 😂
bro! seriously? Nara and yamanaka are hands down best ones in intelligence and interrogation... akamichi does have a good ninjas who can research and create meds and ninja related stuff while Uchiha's can be good in interrogation too but they have some flaws which are emotion control