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They use the gas leak coverup to?, LMAO
Brotha if your worried about outliving Mary jane or any of your mortal lovers or grandparents or whatever just get your own afterlife, collect their souls when they die and bam, now their with you for all eternity wihtout you violating any of their ethics
Bruh could you get more obvious that your intending to do that to Cylcops (given how rude and agressive Authors been writing him so far) and Reed (cause of course) 'sigh'
Besides I enjoyed Hectors goofy side with all his witty remarks and snark during the once piece arc which is obviously quite different from his serious Eidolon persona so One way to keep incorporating it showcase it through a Youtube channel where he can go all out on his inner snarky troll self, plus the effects of the nika fruit making him more bubbly and cheerful
Good chapter, btw ive been reading the previous chapters and i got an intresting idea. From the previous bit on the MC's Eidolon persona overtaking his normal hector one on top of his previous plans of starting a gaming company, i know MJ is suppose to serve as a bridge to his 'normal life' but I got another idea for a link, that would be more of a fun little lorebit than the ongoing plotpoint that Is MJ in a meta sense and in universe just serve as a fun quirk for Hector that dosent involve meticulous serious plannig for endgoals. How about Hector starts a Youtube channel on something niche and far away from the 'superhero craze' that the marvel world is currently experiencing. Since hes Brazilian I was thinking that Hector could start a Football sports news/funny commentary news hilariously bringing on the latest Football news (in universe) and ocasioanly break down tactics, basicly like FNG, football made simple and Football iconic. You dont have to acutally write whole sections on this irelevant aspect but it can serve as a fun 'human' quirk to Hectors charecter that isint Super related and it can serve as a fun non work related bonding activity between Hector and Cortana (she can be the editor). It also has practical purposes as well. It would be the start of Hectors public persona and (with his charisma) he would quickly gain a follwing (even if its in a niche sector such as sports fanbase) and ease the internet (and by extention the world) into Hectors persona , and since his channel would be on somehting niche like football it wont be suspicious like if he got famous for groundbreaking invetnions and the last thing people would expect is Eidolon being a youtuber on somehting thats far away form the current super hero craze. And when Hectors identity invetibaly gets revealed the world is gonna go crazy uncovering all information they can on him, and what first than his already public youtube channel as their first sources where their image and opinions of Eidolons identity 'Hector' would be (or atleast heaviliy influenced) by whatever carefully craftted social media persona Hector made for his Youtube channel by that point. So its practical on top of being Quirky.
Probbly something something schrodingers quantum state, existing and attacking through multiple points in time and constantly shifting from existence and non existence or some other BS
By the topic shift and how the how conversation was going she was gonna say they had kids in her dream wasint she?
I am so looking forward to the eventual Eidolon identity reveal just for the sheer fact that basicly every marvel female charecter, along with the whole of Marvel earths eventual collective realisation that they were all thristing over and over sexualing techincally a minor at the start lol.
isint that exactly what happend in the Krakoa comics where all the cuckoos dated teenage Cable lol
Are you ever gonna release those 'marvel girls' three parter chapters cause i checked your patreon, those chapters chronologically came way before but strangely never seemed to have been released,,,,,i wonder why