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  • skitenoir
    skitenoir3 years ago

    Ultimately unsatisfying. Warning, review contains spoilers. The story revolves the truly effed up vampiristic relationship between two clans of werewolves. One clan, the Alexanders, got 'cursed' with bonus "witch powers" to see the past and future and be extra strong. All at the expense of short lives, going insane, and eventually being unable to shift back into human form. For unknown reasons, the other clan, the Clarks, are the poor saps who have miraculous blood. This blood allows Alexander's to super boost their witch powers and avoid descending into death and madness. After generations of Clarks being hunted like scooby snacks, and Alexanders going bonkers because there weren't enough Clarks to go around, they created a Pact. The Pact which essentially says Clark women will be trained up to be submissive and willing little blood bags, and the Alexander men each get their own, personal supply, but they only get one living blood bag, and they have to marry it. Which (in theory) means they have to treat her well and not drain her too much, or there won't be kids, they'll have a sickly wife who hates them, and if they accidentally kill her, they don't get another. The main conflict arises because the current Alexander Alpha decided double dipping was his right, and started draining multiple Clark women and abusing the Pact, which, really, should have been expected. Anyways, it's unsatisfying because a reader expects the main couple, through the Power of Love TM, to end this weird curse, overthrow the system, and destroy these two effed up clans, liberating these poor Clark ladies. Not wind up reinforcing the status quo and perpetuating it into the future. Readers also expect to uncover systemic abuse, with clan elders in on this horrifying scheme to provide high powered Alexander clansmen with extra blood slaves to warrant destroying everything. Nope. Somehow, a 12 year old managed to have enough gumption, smarts, and support to imprison a family member in the basement for 6 years, hide it from everyone (in a clan where people can literally and casually see your past and future), and pay the salaries of the necessary guards, doctors, etc. to keep them alive. Talk about a plot hole. The characters are disappointing. The FL, upon learning that another poor girl replaced her as blood bank, is less concerned with rescuing said girl, and more ridiculously jealous her boyfriend expressed mild concern about the girl's health. And the revenge, when it happens, is a let down. The grand reveal is so anticlimactic, I thought I missed it for a second. It was so simple and easy, you'll be left tearing your hair out why no one did ANYTHING for the main girl. In the end, no one knows what the perpetrators did to the original FL, they mainly get booted from power for being ill and committing other, lesser, crimes. The guards and doctors who enabled their bad behavior are never punished, either. Very meh, but it's complete and it killed several hours.