of reading
Read books
Australia waiting XD
Warhammer emperor of mankind
i respect that
death becomes best friendo
please dont let grifith do my boy guts dirty again please
I can easily say this is by far my favorite dragon ball story the character feels real and are fleshed out oh and I'm also enjoying the interaction between krillin and gotten more and more cause it shows the growth of both sides and the decision that krillin made makes it more important so he can keep up with the flow of dbz and dbs all in all a very good story i could say more but it will spoil alot so I will refrain from it though keep uobthe good work mate Ps: I kinda wabt to see goten go to other world's outside of db universe he does have the ability aftwr fighting janenmba i think it would give the story more longevity and soace for you to crate some interesting filler arc