

2020-05-21 JoinedGlobal

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  • Dark_Zenith

    Haha, I feel like with the way Fang Yuan is flaunting his "wisdom path" deduction powers making everyone think that there's a shadowy organization behind him, everyone's eventually gonna discover the real organization, uhh, Shadow Sect, was it? And end up thinking think Fang Yuan is representing them instead xD

    Ch 706 Extorting an Immortal Gu Remnant Recipe
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    Eastern · Gu Zhen Ren
  • Dark_Zenith

    Oh noooo, Fang Yuan's business plans be going down the drain at this rate...

    Ch 703 Plot within plot, a fatal killer move
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    Eastern · Gu Zhen Ren
  • Dark_Zenith

    Oh dear... Hope this won't screw up Fang Yuan's plans too badly...

    Ch 702 Accident, Assault of a Mysterious Gu Immortal
    Reverend Insanity
    Eastern · Gu Zhen Ren
  • Dark_Zenith

    Lmao, those conceited fools, tryna lecture others about the circumstances...

    Ch 700 Attacking Hu Immortal blessed land (3/3)
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    Eastern · Gu Zhen Ren
  • Dark_Zenith

    Uhh, hmm, well then...

    Ch 675 Dead
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    Eastern · Gu Zhen Ren
  • Dark_Zenith

    Oh my god, oh my god, I can't... I just can't.... That utterly shameless and over the top boasting, oh man, oh man, actually laughing my ass off over here, holy... Mmmph, that acting, that whole situation, simply perfection xD

    Ch 665 Three 100% Immortal Gu recipes!
    Reverend Insanity
    Eastern · Gu Zhen Ren
  • Dark_Zenith

    Lmao, Fang Yuan seriously milking the spirit for everything he can for free , haha. That whole act was hilarious xD

    Ch 663 Recognising Immortal Gu
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    Eastern · Gu Zhen Ren
  • Dark_Zenith

    Oh... Oh damn... Now that was an impressive scheme... And actually explains a lot of things...

    Ch 644 Not committing the same mistake again (1/2)
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    Eastern · Gu Zhen Ren
  • Dark_Zenith

    Lol, all this power of luck is starting to remind me of WMW and a certain coin...

    Ch 619 The might of overwhelming fortune
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    Eastern · Gu Zhen Ren
  • Dark_Zenith
    Replied to SmilingReader

    I feel the need to specify. It is, specifically, 500 years, my friend. Don't go forgetting it after the author has put so much effort into making sure we didn't forget xD

    Ch 615 We are fellow apprentice brothers!
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    Eastern · Gu Zhen Ren
  • Dark_Zenith

    Looks like Fang Yuan is just planning a hit and run at this point xD

    Ch 608 Giant Sun’s retaliation
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    Eastern · Gu Zhen Ren
  • Dark_Zenith

    It was interesting to see Fang Yuan push him over the edge like that right after suffering a massive blow to his conscience. Honestly, the entire process even before that already had me very excited. To see someone fall into such depths of despair... While the process itself is very interesting, how they react and how they change in light of it is even more interesting. Exciting, even. The way I see it, I could see them either becoming a broken shell of a person, or becoming a callous, cold and calculating person. I guess I was expecting a development of him becoming a similar kind of person to Fang Yuan. Where, after seeing how scheming and malicious people could be, as well as the dark side of himself, he would accept his selfish nature and throw away all his past ideals and values, and use anything and everything for his own gains. But now that I see that it seems to be a plot by Fang Yuan to force him to ascend to rank 6, I wonder how Tai Bai's mindset will change?

    Ch 605 Pitiful Person (Double chapter)
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    Eastern · Gu Zhen Ren
  • Dark_Zenith

    Heh, true love... Yeah, that ain't ever happening, lol. I'm guessing he'll just use a loophole again as usual to get around that problem, or use some form of blackmail xD As for this mysterious woman he was thinking of... That felt very out of character, lol. But even if he really does have lingering feelings to this mystery woman, I feel like it's just a set up to eventually show Fang Yuan cutting away every last bit of his attachment to his old life. I would be very surprised if it actually develops into something...

    Ch 603 Sleepless Night
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    Eastern · Gu Zhen Ren
  • Dark_Zenith

    Wow... I actually feel bad for the guy. That feeling of betraying himself and throwing away the goal of his life in an instant for his own selfish gains, and especially the part where he realises how selfish he really is... The realisation that he had a selfish nature just like everyone else. The impact when one realises the massive chasm between himself and his ideals... Truly, it's like your entire life was a lie. That feeling when you wholeheartedly strive your whole life towards becoming your ideal individual, yet in the end, all you were doing was hiding your flaws away so deep that even you fooled even yourself into thinking you had grown. But in the end, when the ugly truth surfaces, everything comes crashing down. And you realise, you had never changed at all. It was all a lie. A farce. It's laughable, really. As for this specific situation, It's one thing to act kind for appearances sake. And it's another to try to wholeheartedly become a kind, benevolent person, but realising that you are still inherently selfish in the end. The most striking part is how he realises the true depth of that nature. And how deeply rooted it is within himself. The despair he feels at that fact. I guess I'm rambling here, but I gotta say, I feel like internal conflicts are some of the most interesting ones in any story.

    Ch 592 Deep Dark Shadow
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    Eastern · Gu Zhen Ren
  • Dark_Zenith

    Man, I gotta say, I really love these schemes that Fang Yuan comes up with xD

    Ch 589 The bond between father and son, real and fake affection
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    Eastern · Gu Zhen Ren
  • Dark_Zenith

    *cough* *cough* That is... genius xD

    Ch 576 Killer Move Reward
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    Eastern · Gu Zhen Ren
  • Dark_Zenith

    Mo Yao wants to persuade Fang Yuan to do good... That brings to mind, it's been mentioned that a lot of demonic Gu masters throughout history have been converted to righteous side due to "love"... Hmmm... Speaking of which, Fairies from the Spirit Affinity House are usually involved in those stories too... Hmmm... Is it just me, or are there a bunch of sly foxes here...

    Ch 572 Successfully refining the Earth Chief Zombie Gu
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    Eastern · Gu Zhen Ren
  • Dark_Zenith

    Hmm? A heart of self sacrifice... And the resolve to sacrifice... They're not exactly the same thing though... Sure, we can say that Fang Yuan has the resolve to sacrifice in his pursuit of eternal life, but that doesn't exactly translate to having a heart of self sacrifice. Self sacrifice would be giving up oneself, or one's own interest for someone else, right? Of course, we could try to twist the meaning a bit, and say, it's simply the resolve to sacrifice oneself for any goal, in which case we could say that Fang Yuan is willing to sacrifice himself in pursuit of eternal life, but that too would be contradictory. How would he achieve eternal life, if he has sacrificed, that is to say, lost himself? Unless his idea of eternal life can also be twisted into something like eternal life in some other form where he no longer has control of himself... Hmm... This whole thing is quite... full of loopholes? But of course, there's always the probability I'm just misunderstanding everything xD

    Ch 567 The comprehension of life since long ago (Double Chapter)
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    Eastern · Gu Zhen Ren
  • Dark_Zenith

    And here, we see a rare scene of Fang Yuan having fun xD

    Ch 551 Educate well
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    Eastern · Gu Zhen Ren
  • Dark_Zenith

    Now that... was just... Too damn good, lol. "Pay me to help you help me" xD

    Ch 528 True Martial Secret, Awaiting Assistance
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    Eastern · Gu Zhen Ren