


Student without life

2020-05-21 JoinedAustria

of reading


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  • Cho4Sol
    Replied to RealistKun

    people were always retards. through the internet this just became more apparent.

    [High-Quality Cross-Peen Hammer]
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • Cho4Sol
    Replied to DaoistDistantCloud

    and probably intelligence to properly break limits and to optimise the process of rune carving.

    Amongst the bonuses it gives are higher damage, better control, and when used to create other items, apparently even a higher probability of getting a high rating for the item. And maybe even more beyond that. But since the highest connectivity rank that Denmir achieved was rank 7, and usually especially the ranks 8 to 10 would give amazing new abilities when it came to anything ranked, he wasn't able to tell Eisen everything he wanted to know.
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • Cho4Sol
    Replied to DaoistOof

    Moonlight sculpter brought me to this app Back then. I still can't really understand why it's so sparsely known, in relation to other books on here. There are multiple different authors who wrote blacksmiths/ manufacturing artists novels that I've read since. you're the first one to reference this novel in any of them.

    [Title - Limitbreaker]
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • Cho4Sol
    Replied to 12_Gage

    reminds me of many manhwa with the hero and saint class

    A hero may come from anywhere, for it is not who they are, the form they are born with, what they are blessed with, that truly completes them, but what they do."
    Re: Level 100 Farmer
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Cho4Sol

    did they really plan to consume them or is there a b missing in uneatable ? Out of zagans perspective both are as likely. For everyone else, I take the freedom to say that the latter option is more likely.

    The battle raged on, and as the party watched Old Thane one-sidedly slaughter the Fire Giants that previously had seemed like such a massive, uneatable wall of a threat to them, they could only wonder at the might of what was once one of the mightiest adventurers throughout Soleil, a decorated hero of a Darkening, and the strength of a five hundred plus year old demon. 
    Re: Level 100 Farmer
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Cho4Sol
    Replied to Wolf_King69

    no mid twenty is the level of a bronze adventurer. but they didn't finish adventurer school.

    Mason and Mercer, though, well, they were basically just ants. They were level 19 and 17 respectively. Even these levels were a result of having leveled 3 times since the beginning of their adventure with Li. 
    Re: Level 100 Farmer
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Cho4Sol
    Replied to PreSilver

    well you know doing sth professionally means someone pays you money to do that. but li himself will probably stop doing things he is paid for. cause the guild gets paid not him. and there is a saying ( at least in German) "to make ones hobby into ones job" Li does it the other way round. so the question is if you burn for your job and do the same thing as a hobby, where does one thing end and the other start? is the difference the paycheck?

    A good thing, thought Li. He was getting ready to bring Order to this world. Long term. 
    Re: Level 100 Farmer
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Cho4Sol
    Replied to GalaxyNekoGoddess

    it would've meant a great deal to many others if you shared your researched result

    Re: Level 100 Farmer
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Cho4Sol
    Replied to Frozen_YoGirth

    History shows that that does not prevent the religious wars. On the contrary it even made them worse. by the way, humans need conflict to thrive without conflict humanity stagnates and then forcefully creates new conflict out of nowhere

    At the end of it all, Li wanted a world that was stable and at peace with itself and with all the lives upon it. Was that truly possible? He wondered that plenty himself. There would always be divides between people. Differences. And differences meant conflict. He wanted those conflicts to fade away with his faith as a mediating force, but at what point was he to demand obedience? To use force to arbitrarily decide who was right and who was wrong?
    Re: Level 100 Farmer
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Cho4Sol

    he probably was too worthy. like the ritual would have only had enough power to make him an entity of the source, but his negative emotions gave it enough power to consume the whole settlement?

    "No, it was me," said Tyr, shaking his head. "It was me. My failure. My lack of ability and worth. They said I was worthy of the ritual, but no, I was not, and now, everyone is fallen."
    Re: Level 100 Farmer
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Cho4Sol
    Replied to DaoistyfpBEy

    it's not so much genes as it is habits and the availability of it. If, like in Bavaria and england, the standard liquid while meeting friends is beer. and that from early on you have a tendency build resistance to that. but England has stronger beer. (and if you go eastwards Wodka gets more popular )

    Vahid grimaced. "All tasters, no drinkers. Drank em' under the table all in one go. Hells, I even edged out against them beastmen, tough bastards they were. But a man from the east? That ain't somethin' you see every day. So how bout' it?"
    Re: Level 100 Farmer
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Cho4Sol
    Replied to Dimir_Saeldain

    just like in the Incredibles or dragonball

    "Well, if I'm bringing Tia, I guess I have no real excuses to keep you tied down here," said Li with a slight sigh and smile.
    Re: Level 100 Farmer
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Cho4Sol
    Replied to demonslyer

    not scary at all . just think about having a forest dragon with an infinite power source that basically can do anything the dragon can think of. and that being your neighbor in a farm next to a city with a higher vampire lord.

    "I am beginning to understand, and I don't need power of that scale. I already have more than enough as is," said Li. "When the time comes and I feel I am ready to become something more, when I know nobody is relying on myself as I am now, I will open this gate you speak of myself.
    Re: Level 100 Farmer
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Cho4Sol
    Replied to Frozen_YoGirth

    Mana is probably for the world, what blood is for us humans (if it's similar to the other novels I know at least) so these veins are to understand quite literally veins supplying the world with mana. and these caverns with abnormal mana are places where the it transitions from underneath the earth (and not usable) to in the soil/ water and air where it can be used.

    Li realized now why there was so much magical energy packed into the cavern beneath the lake in Riviera. He had always known about the presence of the environmental mana there, but he had not been able to give it a name or a reason for its existence.
    Re: Level 100 Farmer
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Cho4Sol
    Replied to Paras1te

    but right now he is in his human male puppet so if pagan morphs into a humanoid female puppet they'd really seem like the stereotypical picture mentioned. now it's just single father with dog

    "Let's go home, Tia. Father will spend as much time with you as you want to make up for everything." Li knelt down and scooped Tia up, putting her on his shoulder – her favorite spot. They smiled together, And like that, they walked out the forest, Zagan trailing behind them, making them look like a neat and complete little family. 
    Re: Level 100 Farmer
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Cho4Sol

    poor lost soul...

    What was happening? Why was Tia here? Why was it so dark? Where had he been? Where was that place? Who had he been talking to? How long had it been? So many questions formulated in his half-formed mind.
    Re: Level 100 Farmer
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Cho4Sol

    I don't understand, what you want to tell us in this paragraph authornim

    "Why create a sanctuary when we can provide you one?" The Demon Rat Elite leader said as he used the very same technique of boxing the Pandarens who were trying to create the base camp.
    Number One Dungeon Supplier
    Fantasy · Moloxiv
  • Cho4Sol
    Replied to BlackJade

    meld also left early so she didn't get everything they discussed

    Vivienne looked to Sunstar, then to Monster. "It appears then those remaining are simply all of like mind. I will brief Meld personally at a later time. Sunstar, come with me, and Monster, I trust you will live up to the name you have chosen for yourself."
    Re: Level 100 Farmer
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Cho4Sol
    Replied to Oveja

    out of which story is the quote anyway? cause I know it's from somewhere,but I've read too many to remember and it's a good quote. the problem with the missing comment about it being not exactly like the character is probably because many have a similar thought. but since you didn't say where it's from no one cared enough.

    Zagan was unphased. 'My personage may not understand it, but it can respect it. And what are mortal years but few and delicate little things that are all the more fragile in those who are aged. There is a certain beauty in ephemerality, in the transience of all things mortal and flesh and blood, and this personage shall not hinder you from appreciating it.'
    Re: Level 100 Farmer
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Cho4Sol
    Replied to Demorydamus

    Iona doesn't describe gods she describes spirits. and as far as I imagine it spirits are the direct servants of gods which don't have self-consciousness. just like these oaken lvl 90 protectors li sent away last chapter. but there is still a possibility at this point into the book, that spirits are just the animal and plant version of seers. and then Iona was just undereducated when she was still a root.

    "But I will not be who I am now. You do not understand because you have not lost your humanity yet, but when you become truly a divinity, you cease to be. You become a moving piece within a far greater whole. Certainly, you may be a larger and stronger piece than any, but still, you will still merely be a piece, an automaton.
    Re: Level 100 Farmer
    Fantasy · John_Doever