the best version of you is the most logical version of you- the unknown
of reading
Read books
I'm telling you webnovel authors have some truly horrid fantasies. Sometimes wants me to take a look at what they look like in real life
Oh shit we using magic now?
This always confuse me. First how can the machine register that. Second theoretical it should be infinite with no gravity binding and all but there's definitely going to be some obstacles in the way for sure so this "infinite " isn't even technically true. Third doesn't her power have limited time duration on objects? So we don't even know if it even left the atmosphere. Forget about infinite distance the universe itself isn't infinite. So I fail to see how the ball travels all that distant.
Chat ....that's a minor.
Damn. Took lil bro 2 years to figure that out. took me no time at all. We are not the same
That would be conceptual levels of fire. it would make the fire user strong but some could be said about time. If the could reverse the progress of someone's understanding then they would win. it works both ways but time is of a higher quality than fire.
Why is bro moaning ??
Holy reaching
I know someones that works at McDonald's is definitely reading this