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I'm just wondering if more is coming.
Ouuuu a murder mystery novel lol. This has been fun the couple chapters! I'm excited to see how it unfolds!
I feel like hunter needs a legit ally on alpha. Maybe some special forces survived, a small team 8 -12. They knew what was going on at the facility. They still had some cameras that worked and recorded what happened to the walkers. They decided someone is trying to put things back together. So they will help them. They have a ace card. Access to 3 remaining defense Satellites that can kill all those at the fortress. Incase the walkers don't seem what they are. The colonel in charge of the SF could flush alot of the united forces back ground. An could mentor her on the ideas of the United forces. Bringing her some balance ? Idk my mind is racing figuring out where your going.
Completely understandable not wanting to write about ww3. Hey I'm excited either way this goes. An yes I used canada as an example due to the long history of a mutually beneficial relationship they have had. The space arm made by canada for nasa, the role they took in things like the argo operation in Iran. To me ( little bit of canadian bias ) they would be the only real country that could be added that would legit work in a harmonious relationship. Plus canada has a great history with tech development. Also Stargate, canada made the best partner nation. :P
Nice chapter. I like that Ryan is realizing the Shields need to be careful. That hunter is getting more used to war. Though I wonder i was hoping you were going to use Ford as balancing personality for hunter in that world. I think Ryan alone isn't enough. I wonder if maybe having another country's special forces or security agencies noticing section c and what is going on might be fun. For ie. Canada, a JTF2 member notices some gear that some delta guys are trying out. An does seem covert dieing finds enough evidence. Passes it along to the canadian PM. Canada agree to keep it quite as long as they get some tech. They offer to supply troops ( many being natives so that there communities get the much needed government support they deserve in exchange) . Just a thought lol. I'm really enjoying this and am excited to see where you take this.
Now that was a chapter! Good bit of fun! Keep em coming. Wondering what you will do with Ford. I'm hoping for a someone hunter can balance off of. Like she uses Ryan for.
Good chapter though I hope we pull away from the " nazis are okay thing " I know that's not exactly what you wrote but yea. Keep up the interesting plot! :)
Pretty good chapter couple of grammer mistakes. I liked that Ryan realizes he needs hunter more then she really needs him.
Well said ! Perfectly said as a matter of fact. I'm beyond excited for more!
Good chapter, I liked seeing whats going on else where. Though I wonder where the commissioners and there zeal is going to go compared to the regular troops and the conflict it will cause. People do more when there extra incentive, but it takes the right kind of incentive. Slippery avenue to take. I'm pumped to see what you do with it.