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I think it depends on the culture and the context, polygamy has existed throughout history in various cultures. We are talking about an anime world, I think we can agree that weirder things have been seen. Ps: I know the case of a man who was in a relationship with two twin sisters.
How many times do you have to say "Karl"? It's extremely annoying.
Jajajajajajajajaja Men fear that women are equal to them? Do you live in an Islamic country? In most western countries, men and women are equal before the law (I mean the majority, because in Spain men lost the presumption of innocence). If you want to use patriarchy to justify your mediocrity, go for it.
I mean something like this.
I was referring to the aesthetics of a classic bodybuilder. And no, in fact the opposite happens, all high performance athletes use steroids, some even look like bodybuilders.
That depends on where you are in the steroid cycle, what generally happens is that by raising testosterone levels, everything this produces increases, such as self-confidence, strength, body hair, voice deepens, increases libido, etc.
I do not understand that most authors have problems with bodybuilders, surely they do not know that there are several divisions. In fact, an athletic person with a swimmer's body (the ideal of many authors), together with a classic physique, looks like a Somali. Sorry about this, it is quite annoying to read, considering that anyone who goes to the gym and knows how to appreciate aesthetics would kill to have a "bodybuilder physique" without using steroids xd
I know it is a bit late to think about this, but it will not be easier to try to imitate the radiation that a yellow star emits (I suppose that in the DC universe stars emit different radiation depending on their color) instead of trying to create a "sun in miniature"?. For a star to start the fusion process, a certain amount of mass is required (0.5 M if I'm not mistaken). The formation of a black hole requires a brutal compression of matter, which can only be produced by the explosion of a giant star (the sun is just a g-type star)
The truth is that you are right, a company that decides to hire cheap labor in a country helps more than any NGO. charity only helps you survive for a while.
No era que no mataba a inocentes?