I love myself entirely too much.
of reading
Read books
He didn't know about that till after he ate them. Nice try tho.
another novel here already used Bruce Vain xD
Wasn't it stated that said portal has a 1 month cooldown?
No, it was written that he knew what it was after becoming the prince of darkness.
If they are under his control why did they try to kill his daughter?
Book is almost over and those two basically haven't existed for most of it xD
This is dumb btw. This is essentially just, "The man who raped me was like, ""Oh no, what a terrible thing!"" and I knew immediately how soft and caring he was as he continued raping me."like wat
he's a demigod, why does he need to scheme again?
None of the authors on this app have any concept of numbers. Accept it now and obtain peace.