Just a lazy hikiNEET desu~
of reading
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I have been following this from the very beginning, and I can now confidently say: even though the translation quality is quite shitty at times, if you push through those small patches of shitty quality, the rest will be rewarding. Like, wow, this is one of my all time favs, and I've been reading this for YEARS. No other novel has received my dedication, so believe me when I say: it will all be worth it in the end. Really. Try it first. A few hundred chaps should hook you right in, and you will - never- wish for this to end.
wow... so much foreshadowing...
You are seeking death!
it's corona
salubrious ||| /səˈl(j)uːbrɪəs/ ||| adjective |||| health-giving; healthy. ||| "odours of far less salubrious origin"
ofc they do it's like, the Law of Isekai. don't question 'isekai logic'