My Fellow Americans: I did it...1997 Oklahoma, the incident...
of reading
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Adventure time, come on grab your friends, go to very; distant lands.
i think therefore i am
quick google search provides some applicable ideas, some of them apply and some dont. Disadvantages (Cons): Reduced Reach: The primary disadvantage is the significant loss of reach, forcing you to close the distance with your opponent, which puts you at a greater risk of being attacked. Difficult Blocking: Blocking becomes more challenging as the sword's point is angled away from your body, making it harder to deflect incoming attacks. Awkward Thrusts and Cuts: Both thrusts and cuts become less effective and natural with a reverse grip, as the natural flow of your arm is disrupted. Exposed Body: A reverse grip leaves a larger portion of your body vulnerable to attack, as you're less able to cover your torso and head with the sword. Limited Versatility: The reverse grip severely limits your ability to perform a wide range of sword techniques, making you less adaptable in a fight. Self-Injury Risk: The awkwardness of the grip can increase the risk of accidentally cutting yourself while trying to parry or strike. Potential Advantages (Pros): Defensive Maneuvers: In some very specific scenarios, a reverse grip might be used for quick, close-in defensive maneuvers, such as parrying a dagger or a close-range attack. Coup de Grace: A downward stab with a reverse grip can be used as a final blow against a downed opponent. Surprise Element: In some situations, a reverse grip might be used to catch an opponent off guard, but this is unlikely to be a reliable strategy in a real fight. Hidden Weapon: A sword held in reverse can be concealed more easily, potentially allowing for a surprise attack. Dual Wielding: Some argue that a reverse grip on one sword while dual-wielding can be useful for a more agile defense, but this is not a common or effective strategy.
idk about that, research would have to be conducted.
new fanfic nice, he better farm aura.
as long as you aura farm im all good
Seems pretty inefficient
actually not bad