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will he ever make a bug that works like a satellite that allows him to use his bugs from far away. or at least one that relays information( certain bugs already do that in real life) it would help spread out all the surveillance bugs to spy on all the houses. so much potential spy wise that's ben his main thing since the beginning of the story but has never done yet. he has been using them more for battle preparation and spying only close proximity. (also I wonder if he will ever use water bugs. There are plenty types of water bugs that can help naval warfare against the iron borne or spying in the waters.)
technically he is saying he is king of the north right now which starks were at one point I believe so he isn't pretending :/ now if he says he is the king of Westeros than blood and whatever can be called to question but if he marries Daenerys that would help that.
you say it's a unrealistic cliché. but to be fair, the actual game of throne tv series has had a bunch of those scenarios lol. Manly because historically it's actually a very common tactic......
+1 it's further away than the others and pretty much readily built. It would take less gold to re build and fortify it. compared to having to start from scratch.
Feel like not long ago he was saying alicent is not ready to be showed to the public . So I would say not yet for her until he has his own house and land. As for ellla ,depends if you still wanna go that route of romance with her. To me having a romance with her can make sense for strategic value of dorne. I mean to me dorne woman and men would be the one that would most understand polygamy from Westeros so I don’t see Ella having a problem with mc having another lover if she can also be his lover . 🤷🏽♂️ I would say otherwise for Cersei thoe unless you start giving her the idea young that it’s okay than maybe she would understand it to🤔 (whatever way you go I still say he needs at “least” two woman, alicent because of childhood love, and a strategic wife for resources or their value to him.)
Is nami sister getting the fire fruit or weapon fruit ?
hope he uses some of his treasure hunting points to find talented crewmates he can give devil fruits for. I mean the world is so big there has to be many people with wasted potential that never even realized they had. like imagine a kid born with admiral level talent decides to become a cook because of circumstances. he would never realized he had potential to become a admiral level figure. "ps" if you do make original characters for crew members, you should make a chapter for the list of original characters and there pictures for what they look like . it can help for immersion :)
why don't you put translations in >> (here) next to the sentence used?
conquer ?when he got that